Essential facts

25.03.2022 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.49 Кб
22.03.2022 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “Information about the Income Paid ON the Issuer's Issued Securities”
docx, 26.58 Кб
18.03.2022 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 23.78 Кб
16.03.2022 Essential Fact Message «Financial Results of the Issuer's Activities (Companies of the Issuer's Group) (Forecast, Preliminary, Actual)»
docx, 16.96 Кб
15.03.2022 Essential Fact Message «Financial Results of the Issuer's Activities (Companies of the Issuer's Group) (Forecast, Preliminary, Actual)»
docx, 17.67 Кб
14.03.2022 Essential Fact Message «On Changing the Rating Assigned by a Credit Rating Agency or Another organization on the Basis of the Agreement Concluded with the Issuer»
docx, 18.16 Кб
11.03.2022 Material Fact Notice On changing the rating by a credit rating agency or other organization on the basis of the agreement concluded with the issuer
docx, 17.78 Кб
06.03.22 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 26.73 Кб
05.03.2022 Essential Fact Message “On Changing the Rating by a Credit Rating Agency or Another Organization on the Basis of an Agreement Concluded with the Issuer”
docx, 18.03 Кб
03.03.2022 Essential Fact Message «On the Joint-Stock Company Acquiring More Than 20 Percent of Voting Shares of Another Joint-Stock Company»
docx, 21.18 Кб
02.03.2022 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.18 Кб
docx, 27.77 Кб
15 02 22 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 21.37 Кб
15 02 22Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 20.81 Кб
15 02 22 Essential Fact Message «About Other Events (Actions) That, in the Opinion of the Issuer, Which Have a Significant Impact on the Value or Quotations of the Issuer’s Securities»
docx, 16.82 Кб
27.01.2022 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 28.74 Кб
24.01.2022 Material Fact Notice «On income paid out on securities of the Issuer»
docx, 17.35 Кб
24.01.2022 Material Fact Notice «On income paid out on securities of the Issuer»
docx, 17.11 Кб
20.01.2022 Material Fact Notice On holding a Meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) and its agenda
docx, 20.44 Кб
14.01.2022 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 16.45 Кб
29.12.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
docx, 18.29 Кб
29.12.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE on Convening a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 19.64 Кб
29.12.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 23.49 Кб
29.12.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 23.45 Кб
docx, 25.96 Кб
20.12.2021 Essential Fact Message «About Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 28.35 Кб
13.12.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.86 Кб
29.11.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 26.05 Кб
29.11.2021 Essential Fact Message «Financial Results of the Issuer's Activities (Companies of the Issuer's Group) (Forecast, Preliminary, Actual)»
docx, 18.13 Кб
23.11.21 Essential Fact Message «On the Change (Correction) of the Information Contained in the Previously Published Newsline
docx, 22.16 Кб
23.11.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 33.16 Кб
23.11.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
docx, 18.29 Кб
23.11.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE on Convening a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 21.57 Кб
23.11.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.55 Кб
18.11.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 24.03 Кб
16.11.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 24.05 Кб
31.10.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Other Events (Actions) That, in the Opinion of the Issuer, Have a Significant Impact on the Value or Quotations of the Issuer’s Securities»
docx, 16.38 Кб
27.10.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 26.81 Кб
26.10.21 Essential Fact Message “On the Issuer or the Organization Controlled by the Issuer Committing a Related Party Transaction, Which Is of Material Importance”
docx, 23.14 Кб
26.10.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 19.77 Кб
20.10.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.89 Кб
30.09.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 20.04 Кб
30.09.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities Including the Date of Drawing the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer’s General Meeting of the Shareholders”
docx, 18.61 Кб
30.09.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the Decisions Made”
docx, 23.25 Кб
30.09.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 29.73 Кб
docx, 25.8 Кб
27.08.2021 Essential Fact Message About the Web Page Disclosure of the Interim (Quarterly) Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
docx, 20.24 Кб
26.08.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 31.69 Кб
26.08.2021 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities, Including the Date of Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting”
docx, 17.23 Кб
26.08.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.24 Кб
19.08.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.76 Кб
13.08.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 20.75 Кб
11.08.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 18.17 Кб
30.07.2021 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Accounting Report of the Joint Stock Company
docx, 17.37 Кб
27.07.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
docx, 28.96 Кб
27.07.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 47 Кб
Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 16.52 Кб
30.06.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 30.11 Кб
29.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Inclusion of the Issuer's Equity Securities in the List of Securities Admitted to Organized Trading by the Russian Trade Organizer”
docx, 18.45 Кб
25.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 19.75 Кб
25.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “Information on Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the General Meeting Resolutions”
docx, 32.87 Кб
25.06.2021 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information Contained in the Annual Report
docx, 16.7 Кб
25.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities”
docx, 19.21 Кб
23.06.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Issuer Receiving the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attached to the Voting Shares that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
docx, 24.57 Кб
23.06.2021 Essential Fact Message «On the Acquisition by the Joint Stock Company of More than 20 Percent of the Voting Shares of Another Joint Stock Company» on the Issuer Receiving the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attached to the Voting Shares that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
docx, 9.24 Кб
23.06.2021 Essential Fact Message «On the Acquisition by the Joint Stock Company of More than 20 Percent of the Voting Shares of Another Joint Stock Company»
docx, 22.61 Кб
23.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.31 Кб
23.06.2021 Essential fact message “Information about the paid income on the issuer's issued securities”
docx, 26.74 Кб
04.06.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Issuer’s Web Disclosure of the Interim (Quarterly) Consolidated Financial Statements reported under the International Financial Reporting Standard
docx, 21.85 Кб
03.06.2021 Essential Fact Message “On the Non-arm's Length Transaction completed by the Issuer”
docx, 23.07 Кб
25.05.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.57 Кб
21.05.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 22.08 Кб
14.05.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 17.78 Кб
30.04.2021 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Accounting Report of the Joint Stock Company
docx, 17.31 Кб
28.04.2021 Essential Fact Message On Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 21.9 Кб
28.04.2021 Essential Fact Message “Another Message”
docx, 24.56 Кб
28.04.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities, Including the Date on Which the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer's General Meeting of the Shareholders Is Compiled”
docx, 20.42 Кб
28.04.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
docx, 32.77 Кб
21.04.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 22.61 Кб
07.04.2021 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 21.83 Кб
02.04.2021 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.92 Кб
31.03.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 28.76 Кб
31.03.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of Consolidated Annual Financial Statements by the Issuer on the Internet Page and the Audit Opinion Drawn with Regard to Such Statements
docx, 19.28 Кб
29.03.2021 Message About Disclosure of the Joint Stock Company’s Annual Financial Statements of on the Web Site
docx, 17.99 Кб
24.03.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 24.85 Кб
docx, 25.57 Кб
17.03.2021 Essential Fact Message “About the Inclusion of the Issuer's Equity Securities in the List of Securities Admitted to Organized Trading by the Russian Trade Organizer”
docx, 18.9 Кб
05.03.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 29.38 Кб
02.03.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.78 Кб
24.02.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.48 Кб
18.02.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to the Relevant Body (Relevant Organization) of a Foreign State, Foreign Exchange and (or) Other Organizations in Accordance with the Foreign Law for the Purpose of Their Disclosure or Provision to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's Securities outside the Russian Federation»
docx, 19.43 Кб
17.02.2021 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.75 Кб
11.02.2021 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 17.73 Кб
27.01.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 26.41 Кб
20.01.2021 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 47.5 Кб
11.01.2021 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 16.45 Кб
30.12.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 23.99 Кб
25.12.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 24.64 Кб
docx, 24.68 Кб
21.12.2020 Essential Fact Message «About Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 33.55 Кб
14.12.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 24.09 Кб
30.11.2020 Essential Fact Message about the Web Disclosure by the Issuer of the Interim (Quarterly) Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standard
docx, 20.17 Кб
27.11.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.31 Кб
20.11.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.96 Кб
17.11.2020 Essential Fact Message “About Income Payment on the Issued Securities”
docx, 21.73 Кб
13.11.2020 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 17.54 Кб
30.10.2020 Essential Fact Message on the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer's Accounting Statements
docx, 16.66 Кб
28.10.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.38 Кб
21.10.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.84 Кб
02.10.2020 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 16.47 Кб
30.09.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 23.95 Кб
30.09.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 22.69 Кб
30.09.2020 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 22.3 Кб
30.09.2020 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities
docx, 17.9 Кб
30.09.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the Decisions Made”
docx, 23.14 Кб
30.09.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Accomplishment of a Related Party Transaction»
docx, 22.18 Кб
28.09.2020 Essential Fact Message On Information That, in the Opinion of the Issuer, Has a Significant Impact on the Value of Equity Securities»
docx, 25.74 Кб
24.09.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 26.62 Кб
22.09.2020 Essential fact message “information anout the paid income on the issuer's issued securities”
docx, 26.35 Кб
17.09.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.24 Кб
28.08.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Web Page Disclosure of the Interim (Quaterly) Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
docx, 20 Кб
25.08.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 30.26 Кб
18.08.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.5 Кб
18.08.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 30.94 Кб
18.08.2020 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities Including the Date of Drawing the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer’s General Meeting of the Shareholders”
docx, 17.66 Кб
18.08.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 30.94 Кб
13.08.2020 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 17.9 Кб
10.08.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.92 Кб
04.08.2020 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 19.96 Кб
30.07.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Accounting Report of the Joint Stock Company
docx, 17.06 Кб
20.07.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 25.48 Кб
14.07.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.88 Кб
02.07.2020 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 16.07 Кб
29.06.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 72 Кб
doc, 54 Кб
22.06.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.15 Кб
17.06.2020 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information Contained in the Annual Report
docx, 16.41 Кб
17.06.2020 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities”
docx, 18.54 Кб
17.06.2020 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 19.51 Кб
17.06.2020 Essential Fact Message “Information on Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the General Meeting Resolutions”
docx, 30.72 Кб
05.06.2020 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure by the Issuer of the Interim (Quarterly) Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standard
docx, 23.75 Кб
25.05.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 26.1 Кб
18.05.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
docx, 26.62 Кб
18.05.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.29 Кб
14.05.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 17.15 Кб
12.05.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.61 Кб
08.05.2020 Essential Fact Message «On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Which Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of the Issuer”
docx, 21.46 Кб
07.05.2020 Essential Fact Message “Another message”
docx, 17.68 Кб
30.04.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Accounting Report of the Joint Stock Company
docx, 16.68 Кб
20.04.2020 Essential Fact Message “Report on Changes or Adjustments to the Information Previously Published in the News Feed” “Message on the convening of a general meeting of participants (shareholders)”
docx, 24.54 Кб
20.04.2020 Essential Fact Messag “Another message”
docx, 20.25 Кб
20.04.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
docx, 31.25 Кб
14.04.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 20.89 Кб
01.04.2020 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.26 Кб
31.03.2020 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of Consolidated Annual Financial Statements by the Issuer on the Internet Page and the Audit Opinion Drawn with Regard to Such Statements
docx, 17.99 Кб
27.03.2020 Message About Disclosure of the Joint Stock Company’s Annual Financial Statements by the Issuer on the Web Site
docx, 17.41 Кб
doc, 54 Кб
24.03.2020 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 24.69 Кб
23.03.2020 Essential Fact Message on the Access to the Insider Information Contained in the Document of the Person, Which Is the Insider
docx, 17.01 Кб
23.03.2020 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE «On the Inclusion of the Issuer's Equity Securities in the List of Securities Admitted to Organized Trading by the Russian Trade Organizer»
docx, 23.18 Кб
23.03.2020 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE «On the Stages of the Issuer’s Securities Emission Procedure: Information on the State Registration of the Issue (Additional Issue) of the Securities»
doc, 55 Кб
17.03.2020 Essential Fact Message “On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
docx, 21.02 Кб
11.03.2020 Essential Fact Message On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Who Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of This Issuer
docx, 20.51 Кб
05.03.2020 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 26.6 Кб
04.02.2020 Essential Fact Message Making a Decision on the Reorganization of the Issuer’s Controlled Organization, Which Is of Material Importance for the Issuer
doc, 77.5 Кб
29.02.2020 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 20.08 Кб
28.02.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities, Including the Date on Which the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer's General Meeting of the Shareholders Is Compiled
docx, 17.89 Кб
28.02.2020 Essential Fact Notice of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer’s Participants (Shareholders)
docx, 24 Кб
28.02.2020 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 31.25 Кб
21.02.2020 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 21.01 Кб
12.02.2020 Essential Fact Message About the Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 16.21 Кб
11.02.2020 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 20.77 Кб
30.01.2020 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) and Its Agenda
doc, 47 Кб
23.01.2020 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 19.73 Кб
09.01.2020 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.37 Кб
doc, 51 Кб
23.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer’s Document
docx, 24.02 Кб
23.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer’s Document
docx, 28.85 Кб
23.12.2019 Essential Fact Message About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities
docx, 20.16 Кб
23.12.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities
docx, 16.9 Кб
23.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the Decisions Made
docx, 22.05 Кб
20.12.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE On the Issuing Procedure Stages of the Issuer’s Securities» «Assignment of the Identification Number to the Issue (Additional Issue)
doc, 56 Кб
20.12.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE On the Inclusion of the Issuer's Equity Securities in the List of Securities Admitted to Organized Trading by the Russian Trade Organizer
doc, 50.5 Кб
docx, 32.38 Кб
docx, 26.48 Кб
16.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
doc, 47 Кб
13.12.2019 Essential Fact Message the Approval of the Document Containing the Terms of the Bonds Individual Issue to Be Placed in Accordance with the Bond Program
doc, 88.5 Кб
13.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer’s Document
docx, 24.17 Кб
13.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer’s Document
docx, 24.13 Кб
doc, 99.5 Кб
doc, 98.5 Кб
10.12.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Stages of the Issuer’s Securities Issue Procedure (assigning an identification number to the exchange or commercial bond program)
docx, 23.95 Кб
29.11.2019 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS
docx, 18.71 Кб
28.11.2019 Essential Fact Message About Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 28.59 Кб
21.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 23.53 Кб
15.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Who Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of This Issuer
docx, 20.46 Кб
15.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Who Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of This Issuer
docx, 20.59 Кб
14.11.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities, Including the Date of Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting
docx, 17.58 Кб
14.11.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 21.72 Кб
14.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 29.44 Кб
12.11.2019 Essential Fact Message on the Disclosure of the Issuer's Quarterly Report
docx, 16.93 Кб
05.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 22.92 Кб
05.11.2019 Essential Fact Message on the Issuer Receiving the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attributable to the Voting Shares that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization
docx, 23.66 Кб
05.11.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Joint-Stock Company Acquiring More Than 20 Percent of Voting Shares of Another Joint-Stock Company
docx, 20.92 Кб
01.11.2019 Essential Fact Message About Income Paid on the Issued Securities
docx, 20.86 Кб
30.10.2019 Essential Fact Message on the Access Procedure to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer's Accounting Statements
docx, 16.47 Кб
24.10.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Stages of the Issuer’s Securities Issue Procedure
docx, 21.83 Кб
24.10.2019 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 24.61 Кб
17.10.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 23.37 Кб
03.10.2019 Essential Fact Message On the Change (Correction) of the Information Contained in the Previously Published Newsline
docx, 22.29 Кб
02.10.2019 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.4 Кб
01.10.2019 Essential Fact Message On Changes of the Participation Share Amount of the Issuer's Management Body Member in the Issuer's Authorized Capital)
docx, 18.83 Кб
30.09.2019 Essential Fact Message On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)
docx, 26.21 Кб
23 09 19 Essential Fact Message On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda
docx, 16.51 Кб
18.09.2019 Essential Fact Message - On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Who Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of This Issuer
docx, 20.31 Кб
18.09.2019 Essential Fact Message «On the Introduction of Entries in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Related to the Reorganization, Termination or Liquidation of an Organization Controlling the Issuer, Organization Controlled by the Issuer, Organization of Significant Importance for the Issuer, or a Person Who Has Provided the Security for the Bonds of This Issuer»
docx, 20.29 Кб
16.09.2019 Essential Fact Message On Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the Decisions Made
docx, 21.83 Кб
16.09.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities
docx, 17.34 Кб
16.09.2019 Essential Fact Message About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities
docx, 20.54 Кб
11.09.2019 Essential Fact Message Making a Decision on the Reorganization of the Issuer’s Controlled Organization, Which Is of Material Importance for the Issuer
doc, 79 Кб
11.09.2019 Essential Fact Message Making a Decision on the Reorganization of the Issuer’s Controlled Organization, Which Is of Material Importance for the Issuer
doc, 78 Кб
28.08.2019 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements under International FRS
docx, 18.65 Кб
26.08.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 21.27 Кб
19.08.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.69 Кб
09.08.2019 Essential Fact Message “About the Income Paid Out on the Issued Securities”
docx, 21.76 Кб
09.08.2019 Essential Fact Message About the Quarterly Report Disclosure by the Issuer
docx, 17.62 Кб
06.08.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 22.38 Кб
06.08.2019 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities, Including the Date of Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders”
docx, 16.71 Кб
06.08.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 28.91 Кб
30.07.2019 Essential Fact Message on the Access to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer's Accounting Statements
docx, 16.71 Кб
29.07.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.65 Кб
19.07.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 56.5 Кб
12.07.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.05 Кб
01.07.2019 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.35 Кб
28.06.2019 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent Out or Provided by the Issuer to the Relevant Agency (Relevant Organization) of the Foreign State, Foreign Exchange and (or) Other Organizations in Accordance with Foreign Law for the Purpose of Their Disclosure or Provision to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 45 Кб
25.06.2019 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Company’s Annual Report
docx, 15.76 Кб
25.06.2019 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 18.92 Кб
25.06.2019 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities”
DOC, 18.04 Кб
25.06.2019 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meetings Resolutions”
docx, 29.27 Кб
21.06.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 69.5 Кб
19.06.2019 Essential Fact Message About the Issuer Accomplishing a Related Party Transaction.
docx, 17.46 Кб
13.06.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.77 Кб
07.06.2019 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months Ended on March 31, 2018
doc, 45 Кб
22.05.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 23.11 Кб
14.05.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.73 Кб
14.05.2019 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 15.97 Кб
07.05.2019 Essential Fact Message Other Messages
docx, 18.43 Кб
29.04.2019 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 16.41 Кб
26.04.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
docx, 29.73 Кб
19.04.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 18.29 Кб
01.04.2019 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.25 Кб
doc, 42 Кб
27.03.2019 Message about Disclosure of Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
docx, 17.35 Кб
25.03.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 23.4 Кб
15.03.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 16.27 Кб
27.02.2019 Essential Fact Message “On Calling and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders)”
doc, 49.5 Кб
27.02.2019 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities Including the Date of Drawing a List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders”
DOC, 18.12 Кб
27.02.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.62 Кб
20.02.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 16.52 Кб
14.02.2019 Essential Fact Message «About Assigning or Changing the Issuer’s Rating by the Rating Agency on the Basis of the Agreement Concluded »
doc, 43 Кб
13.02.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 22.18 Кб
13.02.2019 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid Out on the Securities Issued”
docx, 19.32 Кб
07.02.2019 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 42 Кб
06.02.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 15.8 Кб
28.01.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.03 Кб
23.01.2019 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent Out or Provided by the Issuer to the Relevant Agency (Relevant Organization) of the Foreign State, Foreign Exchange and (or) Other Organizations in Accordance with Foreign Law for the Purpose of Their Disclosure or Provision to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 45 Кб
21.01.2019 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.47 Кб
10.01.2019 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 15.22 Кб
26.12.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 55 Кб
24.12.2018 Essential Fact Message “On Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer and on the Decisions Made”
docx, 21.92 Кб
24.12.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
docx, 16.77 Кб
24.12.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 18.93 Кб
19.12.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.48 Кб
30.11.2018 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Iterim Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS as of and for Three and Nine Months Ended on September 30, 2017
docx, 19.56 Кб
27.11.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.2 Кб
20.11.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 28.4 Кб
20.11.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Payment on the Issued Securities”
docx, 21.29 Кб
16.11.2018 Essential Fact Message on the Issuer Receiing the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attaching to the Voting Shares that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 48.5 Кб
13.11.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities, Including the Date of Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the Issuer’s General Shareholders Meeting”
DOC, 17.1 Кб
13.11.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 17.1 Кб
13.11.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 29.01 Кб
12.11.2018 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 42 Кб
08.11.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.01 Кб
30.10.2018 Essential Fact Message on the Access to the Insider Information Contained in the Issuer's Accounting Statements
docx, 16.78 Кб
25.10.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 54.5 Кб
18.10.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 28.21 Кб
01.10.2018 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 17.91 Кб
01.10.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
docx, 16.6 Кб
01.10.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 17.96 Кб
01.10.2018 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meeting’ Resolutions”
docx, 21.24 Кб
26.09.18 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 56 Кб
18.09.18 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.02 Кб
28.08.18 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS as of and for Three and Six Months Ended on June 30, 2018
docx, 18.25 Кб
24.08.2018 «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 51 Кб
17.08.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 27.67 Кб
14.08.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities, Including the Date Defined for Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the General Meeting of the Shareholders ”
DOC, 18.95 Кб
14.08.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 18.95 Кб
14.08.2018 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
docx, 30.19 Кб
13.08.2018 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 15.87 Кб
10.08.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 20.47 Кб
06.08.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 15.85 Кб
30.07.2018 Essential Fact Message On the Disclosure of the PJSC’s Interim Accounting Statements on the Internet webpage
doc, 40 Кб
20.07.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 30.61 Кб
13.07.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.42 Кб
03.07.2018 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 14.88 Кб
29.06.2018 Essential Fact Message Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
27.06.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 18.06 Кб
27.06.2018 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities”
docx, 17.64 Кб
27.06.2018 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meetings Resolutions”
doc, 69.5 Кб
27.06.2018 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
docx, 15.38 Кб
22.06.2018 Essential Fact Message “Another Message”
doc, 60.5 Кб
22.06.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 24.67 Кб
13.06.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.68 Кб
08.06.2018 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months ENDED ON MARCH 31, 2018
doc, 42 Кб
30.05.2018 Essential Fact Message “On Certain Decision Taken by the Issuer’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
doc, 49.5 Кб
22.05.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 24.61 Кб
21.05.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.42 Кб
15.05.2018 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
14.05.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.14 Кб
03.05.2018 Essential Fact Message about the Web Disclosure of the Joint Stock Company’s Interim Accounting Report Financial Statements
docx, 17.14 Кб
24.04.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
doc, 71.5 Кб
17.04.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 41.5 Кб
11.04.2018 Notice of a Change in the Participation Share of a Member of the Management Body in the Authorized Capital of the Issuer
docx, 17.29 Кб
03.04.2018 Essential Fact Message About the Information Directed or Submitted by the Issuer to the Relevant body (Corresponding Organization) of the Foreign State, Foreign Exchange and (or) Other Organizations in Accordance with Foreign Law for the Purpose of Disclosure or Provision to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 43.5 Кб
03.04.2018 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
docx, 14.92 Кб
29.03.2018 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS As Well as on the Presentation of an Audit Report Prepared in Respect of Such Statements
doc, 43 Кб
28.03.2018 Message about Disclosure of Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
docx, 16.81 Кб
22.03.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 22.36 Кб
14.03.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 39 Кб
06.03.2018 Essential Fact Message “On a Person’s Acquisition of the Right to Dispose a Certain Number of Votes Attributable to the Voting Shares Composing the Issuer’s Authorized Capital”
docx, 24.44 Кб
26.02.2018 Essential Fact Message “On Calling and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders)”
doc, 44.5 Кб
26.02.2018 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Determining the Persons, Who Have the Right to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer’s Equity Securities, as Well As the Date of Compiling the List of Persons Entitled to Participate in the General Meeting Of The Issuer's Shareholders”
DOC, 17.89 Кб
26.02.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 71 Кб
16.02.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 39.5 Кб
12.02.2018 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
05.02.2018 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
docx, 22.62 Кб
05.02.2018 Essential Fact Message «About Default on the Issuer’s Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
docx, 19.97 Кб
30.01.2018 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 32.08 Кб
30.01.2018 Essential Fact Message «About Assigning or Changing the Issuer’s Rating by the Rating Agency on the Basis of the Agreement Concluded»
docx, 17.9 Кб
22.01.2018_Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 23.9 Кб
09.01.2018 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37 Кб
22.12.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 24.82 Кб
18.12.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.38 Кб
14.12.2017 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meeting’ Resolutions”
doc, 43.5 Кб
14.12.2017 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
docx, 16.56 Кб
14.12.2017 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
docx, 17.14 Кб
04.12.2017 Essential Fact Message about Information That, in the Issuer's Opinion, Has a Significant Effect on the Value of the Issuer’s Equity Securities
docx, 17.91 Кб
30.11.2017 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS As of and for Three and Nine Months Ended on September 30, 2017
docx, 18.09 Кб
30.11.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 26.79 Кб
22.11.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.76 Кб
10.11.2017 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
07.11.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 26.15 Кб
07.11.2017 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE on the date of Determining Persons Entitled to Exercise Their Rights Vested by the Issuer's Equity Securities, Including the date for Which the List of Persons entitled to Participate in the General Meeting of the Issuer's Shareholders is Drawn Up
doc, 41 Кб
07.11.2017 ESSENTIAL FACT NOTICE of Convening Holding a General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer
doc, 46 Кб
01.11.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.31 Кб
30.10.2017 Message about Disclosure of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 42 Кб
26.10.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.95 Кб
20.10.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.88 Кб
03.10.2017 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37.5 Кб
28.09.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.83 Кб
18.09.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.84 Кб
25.08.2017 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS as of and for Three and Six Months Ended on June 30, 2017
doc, 43.5 Кб
24.08.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.25 Кб
14.08.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.5 Кб
11.08.2017 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
doc, 57.5 Кб
11.08.2017 Essential Fact Message «About Default on the Issuer’s Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
doc, 50 Кб
11.08.2017 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
19.07.2017 Essential Fact Message «About Assigning or Changing the Issuer’s Rating by the Rating Agency on the Basis of the Agreement Concluded »
doc, 42 Кб
17.07.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.15 Кб
03.07.2017 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37 Кб
29.06.2017 Essential Fact Message Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's Securities outside the Russian Federation
docx, 18.74 Кб
28.06.2017 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About the Date of Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
doc, 39 Кб
28.06.2017 Message About the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Annual Report
doc, 35.5 Кб
28.06.2017 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meeting’ Resolutions”
doc, 69.5 Кб
28.06.2017 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issued Securities”
doc, 43 Кб
27.06.2017 Message on the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attaching to the Voting Shares That Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 48.5 Кб
26.06.2017 Essential Fact Message «Other message»
doc, 76.5 Кб
16.06.2017 Message about the Emergence of the Organization Controlled by the Issuer Essentially Important for the Issuer
doc, 43.5 Кб
16.06.2017 Message on the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attaching to the Voting Shares that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 48.5 Кб
14.06.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 48.5 Кб
08.06.2017 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months Ended on March 31, 2017
doc, 43.5 Кб
29.05.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 24.36 Кб
29.05.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.1 Кб
22.05.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 22.97 Кб
19.05.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
docx, 21.86 Кб
18.05.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 25.36 Кб
15.05.2017 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 43 Кб
12.05.2017 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40 Кб
28.04.2017 Essential Fact Message about the Web Disclosure of the Joint Stock Company’s Interim Accounting Report Financial Statements
doc, 41 Кб
27.04.2017 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42.5 Кб
27.04.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 70.5 Кб
20.04.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 59.5 Кб
03.04.2017 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS As Well as on the Presentation of an Audit Report Prepared in Respect of Such Statements
doc, 42.5 Кб
03.04.2017 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 41.5 Кб
03.04.2017 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36 Кб
29.03.2017 Message about Disclosure of Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 41 Кб
20.03.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 77.5 Кб
14.03.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 61.5 Кб
28.02.2017 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
27.02.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 55 Кб
22.02.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 47.5 Кб
22.02.2017 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Compiling the Issuer’s Registered Securities List of the Holders or the Issuer’s Equity Securities Holders List Payable to the Bearer with Obligatory Centralized Custody for the Purpose of Executing (Implementing) the Rights Vested by Such Issuer’s Equity Securities”
doc, 40.5 Кб
22.02.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 47 Кб
22.02.2017 Essential Fact Message “On Calling and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders)”
doc, 42 Кб
22.02.2017 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent outside the Russian Federation for Disclosure to Foreign Investors in Connection with Placement or Circulation of the Issuer's securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 41 Кб
15.02.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 48.5 Кб
10.02.2017 Message about the Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40 Кб
18.01.2017 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 55 Кб
09.01.2017 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36.5 Кб
26.12.2016 Essential Fact Statement “ON Termination of the Issuer's Right to Dispose of a Certain Number щf Votes Attached to the Voting Shares (Stakes) Constituting the Authorized Capital of a Stand-Alone Organization»
doc, 46.5 Кб
21.12.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
21.12.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
20.12.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 56 Кб
12.12.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
09.12.2016 Essential Fact Message “On the Change Correction of Information Earlier Published in the News Bulletin”
doc, 94 Кб
30.11.2016 Essential Fact Message “On the change (correction) of the text message of the Essential Fact “About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation”
doc, 41.5 Кб
30.11.2016 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS As of and for Three and Nine Months Ended on September 30, 2016
doc, 42.5 Кб
30.11.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
24.11.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 60.5 Кб
21.11.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 58 Кб
11.11.2016 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
28.10.2016 Message about Disclosure of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 41 Кб
28.10.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 55.5 Кб
28.10.2016 Message about the Emergence of the Organization Controlled by the Issuer Essentially Important for the Issuer
doc, 45 Кб
28.10.2016 Message on the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Attaching to the Voting Sharesthat Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 46.5 Кб
21.10.2016 Message about Information, which by the Issuer's Opinion, Essentially Affect the Value of the Issuer’s Equity Securities
doc, 38.5 Кб
04.10.2016 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36.5 Кб
30.09.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 44.5 Кб
26.09.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 54.5 Кб
31.08.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42.5 Кб
26.08.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 77.5 Кб
26.08.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a Relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of its Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
26.08.2016 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS as of and for Three and Six Months Ended on June 30, 2016
doc, 42.5 Кб
22.08.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 59.5 Кб
12.08.2016 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
doc, 53.5 Кб
12.08.2016 Essential Fact Message «About Default on the Issuer’s Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
doc, 48.5 Кб
12.08.2016 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40 Кб
11.08.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
04.08.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 42 Кб
03.08.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 43.5 Кб
28.07.2016 Message about Disclosure of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 39.5 Кб
25.07.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 53.5 Кб
01.07.2016 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36 Кб
29.06.2016 Essential Fact Message About the Information Sent or Provided by the Issuer to a relevant Agency (Organization) of a Foreign State, a Foreign Exchange and (or) other Organizations under the Foreign Law for the purpose of Disclosure or Submission to Foreign Investors in Connection with the Placement or Circulation of the Issuer’s Securities outside the Russian Federation
doc, 43 Кб
29.06.2016 ESSENTIAL FACT MESSAGE “About Determining the Persons Entitled to Exercise Rights Vested by Equity Securities”
doc, 39 Кб
29.06.2016 Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issuance Securities”
doc, 41.5 Кб
29.06.2016 Message About the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Annual Report
doc, 34.5 Кб
29.06.2016 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meeting’ Resolutions”
doc, 64.5 Кб
28.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right (Termination of the Issuer's Right) to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Assigned to the Voting Shares (Stakes) that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 45.5 Кб
28.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Settlement of Transaction with Interest»
doc, 49.5 Кб
24.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 51.5 Кб
24.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 37.5 Кб
20.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 54.5 Кб
09.06.2016 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months Ended on March 31, 2016
doc, 41.5 Кб
01.06.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Settlement of Transaction with Interest»
doc, 38.5 Кб
25.05.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 27.25 Кб
17.05.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 62 Кб
13.05.2016 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
27.04.2016 Message about Disclosure of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 40 Кб
25.04.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 79 Кб
18.04.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 60 Кб
12.04.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Acquisition (Disposal ) of the Voting Shares (Stakes) of the Issuer or securities of the Foreign Issuer Certifying the Rights in respect of the Issuer’s Voting Shares by the Issuer and/or by Organization Controlled by the Issuer »
doc, 65.5 Кб
08.04.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right (Termination of the Issuer's Right) to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Assigned to the Voting Shares (Stakes) that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 45.5 Кб
08.04.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right (Termination of the Issuer's Right) to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Assigned to the Voting Shares (Stakes) that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 45 Кб
31.03.2016 Essential Fact Message about the Issuer’s Disclosure of the Consolidated Statements (Consolidated Financial Statements), as well as Provision of he Audit Opinion Prepared with Regard to Such Statements
doc, 42 Кб
30.03.2016 Message about Disclosure of the Annual Financial Statements of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
doc, 39 Кб
23.03.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 47.5 Кб
18.03.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right (Termination of the Issuer's Right) to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Assigned to the Voting Shares (Stakes) that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 44.5 Кб
18.03.2016 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Receipt of the Right (Termination of the Issuer's Right) to Have Control over a Certain Number of Votes Assigned to the Voting Shares (Stakes) that Constitute the Authorized Capital of an Individual Organization»
doc, 44.5 Кб
16.03.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 53 Кб
26.02.2016 Essential Fact Message «On changes (corrections) the essential fact text «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 72.5 Кб
25.02.2016 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Compiling the Issuer’s Registered Securities List of the Holders or the Issuer’s Equity Securities Holders List Payable to the Bearer with Obligatory Centralized Custody for the Purpose of Executing (Implementing) the Rights Vested by Such Issuer’s Equity Securities”
doc, 41 Кб
25.02.2016 Essential Fact Message “On Calling and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders)”
doc, 41.5 Кб
25.02.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 75 Кб
15.02.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 59.5 Кб
12.02.2016 Message about the Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
01.02.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 42.5 Кб
26.01.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 51.5 Кб
11.01.2016 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Public Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37.5 Кб
29.12.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
docx, 30.49 Кб
25.07.2016 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 53.5 Кб
22.12.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 50.5 Кб
27.11.2015 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three and Nine Months Ended on September 30, 2015
doc, 43 Кб
23.11.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 47.5 Кб
16.11.2015 Essential Fact Message «About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report»
doc, 40 Кб
29.10.2015 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 40 Кб
21.10.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 54 Кб
19.10.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 47.5 Кб
01.10.2015 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37 Кб
23.09.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 46.5 Кб
19.08.2015 Essential Fact Message «About Default on the Issuer's Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
doc, 46 Кб
19.08.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 33.5 Кб
19.08.2015 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
doc, 28 Кб
13.08.2015 Essential Fact Message About Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 28.5 Кб
30.07.2015 Essential Fact Message “About Disclosure of Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site”
doc, 24 Кб
29.07.2015 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
doc, 28 Кб
21.07.2015 Essential Fact Message»On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 30.5 Кб
01.07.2015 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27 Кб
30.06.2015 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 26.5 Кб
30.06.2015Essential Fact Message “Information about general meeting’ Resolutions”
doc, 34.5 Кб
30.06.2015Essential Fact Message “About Income Accrued on the Issuance Securities”
doc, 27.5 Кб
30.06.2015 Essential fact message “about the date of compiling the list of the issuer’s Registered equity securities holders For the purpose of execution (realization) of the rights vested by such ISSUER’S EQUITY securities”
doc, 28 Кб
26.06.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 52 Кб
26.06.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 27 Кб
14.06.2015 Essential Fact Message about Web Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months Ended on March 31, 2015
doc, 25 Кб
22.05.2015 Essential Fact Message “On a Person’s Acquisition of the Right to Dispose of a Certain Number of Votes Attaching to the Voting Shares (Stakes) Composing the Issuer’s Authorized Capital”
doc, 37.5 Кб
18.05.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 48 Кб
15.05.2015 Message about Access Procedure to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 28 Кб
28.04.2015 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Six Months Ended June 30, 2014
doc, 24 Кб
27.04.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 48 Кб
22.04.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 47.5 Кб
02.04.2015 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Issuer, As Well As Submission of the Audit Opinion Made with Regard to Such Financial Statements
doc, 42 Кб
01.04.2015 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36 Кб
30.03.2015 Message about Disclosure of the Annual FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE JOINT STOCK COMPANY ON THE WEB SITE
doc, 39.5 Кб
27.03.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 35 Кб
20.03.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 33.5 Кб
27.02.2015 Essential Fact Message “About the Date of Compiling the List of the Holders of the Issuer’s Registered Securities or Issuer’s Equity Securities Payable to the Bearer with Obligatory Centralized Custody for the Purpose of Executing (Implementing) the Rights Vested by Such Issuer’s Equity Securities”
doc, 24 Кб
27.02.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) as well as about Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 39.5 Кб
27.02.2015 Essential Fact Message “On Calling and Holding a General Meeting of the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders)”
doc, 24.5 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 44.5 Кб
23.12.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda»
doc, 51.5 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 44 Кб
doc, 48 Кб
13.02.2015 Essential Fact Message about Access to the Information of the Quarterly Report
doc, 40.5 Кб
28.01.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 29.5 Кб
23.01.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Rating of Equity Securities and/or their Issuer or the Rating Change by Rating Agency on the basis of the Agreement Concluded with the Issuer»
doc, 24.5 Кб
23.01.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Rating of Equity Securities and/or their Issuer or the Rating Change by Rating Agency on the basis of the Agreement Concluded with the Issuer»
doc, 25 Кб
19.01.2015 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 45.5 Кб
12.01.2015 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
22.12.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 45 Кб
03.12.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Refutation or Correction of Information Previously Published in the News Feed”
doc, 43.5 Кб
03.12.2014 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’s Settlement of Transaction with Interest»
doc, 37.5 Кб
28.11.2014 Essential Fact Message about the Interim Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with IFRS as of and for Three and Nine Months Ending September 30, 2014
doc, 43.5 Кб
25.11.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 48.5 Кб
17.11.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 30 Кб
14.11.2014 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 26 Кб
29.10.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 27.5 Кб
28.10.2014 Message about Disclosure of the Joint Stock Company Interim Financial Statements on the Web Site
doc, 23.5 Кб
20.10.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 32 Кб
02.10.2014 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
01.10.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 30 Кб
24.09.2014 Essential Fact Message “About Income Paid on the Issuer's Equity Securities”
doc, 27.5 Кб
24.09.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Default of the Issuer's Fulfilling the Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
doc, 31 Кб
23.09.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 29 Кб
28.08.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 43.5 Кб
26.08.2014 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Six Months Ended June 30, 2014
doc, 25.5 Кб
25.08.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 29 Кб
14.08.2014 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
29.07.2014 Message about Disclosure of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Site
docx, 17.32 Кб
21.07.2014 Essential fact message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda”
doc, 23.5 Кб
07.07.2014 Essential Fact Message
doc, 29.5 Кб
02.07.2014 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meetings’ Resolutions”
doc, 41.5 Кб
02.07.2014 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 27 Кб
01.07.2014 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
27.06.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 27 Кб
27.06.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 29 Кб
23.06.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda»
doc, 22.5 Кб
18.06.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Rating of Equity Securities and/or their Issuer or the Rating Change by Rating Agency on the basis of the Agreement Concluded with the Issuer»
doc, 40 Кб
16.06.2014 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS for Three Months ENDED MARCH 31, 2014
doc, 25 Кб
22.05.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda»
doc, 23.5 Кб
14.05.2014 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
30.04.2014 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 41 Кб
28.04.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 77 Кб
02.04.2014 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Issuer, As Well As Submission of the Audit Opinion Made with Regard to Such Financial Statements
doc, 42 Кб
01.04.2014 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
28.03.2014 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 27 Кб
27.03.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 26.5 Кб
20.03.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 29 Кб
28.02.2014 Essential Fact Message On the Issuer’s Settlement of a Transaction with Interest
doc, 29.5 Кб
26.02.2014 Statement of Material Fact Regarding the closure of registry
doc, 29 Кб
26.02.2014 Event Notice convening the meeting
doc, 29 Кб
26.02.2014 Statement of material fact about the individual decisions
doc, 52.5 Кб
17.02.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 29 Кб
14.02.2014 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
03.02.2014 Essential Fact Message On the Issuer’s Settlement of a Transaction with Interest-04
doc, 24 Кб
03.02.2014 Essential Fact Message On the Issuer’s Settlement of a Transaction with Interest-03
doc, 24 Кб
03.02.2014 Essential Fact Message On the Issuer’s Settlement of a Transaction with Interest-02
doc, 41 Кб
03.02.2014 Essential Fact Message On the Issuer’s Settlement of a Transaction with Interest-01
doc, 24 Кб
20.01.2014 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda”
doc, 40 Кб
09.01.2013 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
27.11.2013 Message about Acquisition by the Joint Stock Company of more than 20 Percent of the Voting Stock Belonging to Another Joint Stock Company
doc, 23 Кб
24.11.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 41.5 Кб
16.12.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda»
doc, 41.5 Кб
29.11.2013 Essential Fact Message about the Interim Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with IFRS as of and for Three and Nine Months Ending September 30, 2013
doc, 29 Кб
25.11.2013 Essential Fact Message “Assignment of the rating to equity securities and/or their Issuer or the rating change by the rating agency on the basis of the agreement concluded with the Issuer”
doc, 32.5 Кб
25.11.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Special Decisions Taken by the Issuer’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 28 Кб
20.11.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 28 Кб
14.11.2013 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 35 Кб
01.11.2013 Essential Fact Message «On the Issuer’ Making an Interested Party Transaction»
doc, 41 Кб
30.10.2013 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 36.5 Кб
28.10.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 50 Кб
21.10.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda”
doc, 37.5 Кб
02.10.2013 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 36 Кб
02.10.2013 Essential Fact Message On refutation or correction of information previously published in the News Line
doc, 70.5 Кб
doc, 46.5 Кб
01.10.2013 Essential Fact Message On refutation or correction of information previously published in the News Line
doc, 53 Кб
30.09.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Making an Interested Party Transaction by the Issuer»
doc, 51 Кб
25.09.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Default of the Issuer's Fulfilling the Commitments to the Issuer’s Securities Holders»
doc, 44 Кб
25.09.2013 Essential Fact Message «About Paid Income on the Issuer's Equity Securities»
doc, 47.5 Кб
24.09.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda»
doc, 49.5 Кб
20.09.2013 Essential fact message «Information about income accrued and/or paid out on the issuer’s securities»
doc, 51 Кб
20.09.2013 Essential fact message «Information about redemption of the issuer’s securities»
doc, 41.5 Кб
11.09.2013 Essential Fact Message “About the date of compiling the list of the issuer’s certificated, payable to bearer, with oblugatory centralized custody equity securites owners for the purpose ...
doc, 43.5 Кб
23.08.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 35 Кб
09.09.2013 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Interim Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements of the Issuer in Accordance with IFRS as of and for Three and Six Months Ending June 30, 2013
doc, 42 Кб
14.08.2013 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
29.07.2013 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Interim Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 36.5 Кб
17.07.2013 Essential Fact Message»On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 39 Кб
02.07.2013 Essential Fact Message “Information about General Meetings’ Resolutions”
doc, 55 Кб
02.07.2013 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 35.5 Кб
01.07.2013 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 35.5 Кб
28.06.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 39.5 Кб
25.06.2013 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with IFRS for Q1 2013
doc, 42 Кб
24.06.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 34.5 Кб
30.05.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Making an Interested Party Transaction by the Issuer»
doc, 33.5 Кб
27.05.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 31 Кб
20.05.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 41.5 Кб
14.05.2013 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
08.05.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 28.5 Кб
30.04.2013 Message about Information, Which in the Opinion of the Issuer, Essentially Influences the Value of the Issuer's Equity Securities (Interim (Quarterly) Accounting (Financial) Statements for the Ist Quarter of 2013)
doc, 40.5 Кб
30.04.2013 Essential Fact Message “On the Completion of the Interested Party Transaction by the Issuer”
doc, 52 Кб
29.04.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and Its Agenda, As Well As Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 32 Кб
08.04.2013 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Issuer, As Well As Submission of the Audit Opinion Made with Regard to Such Financial Statements
doc, 42 Кб
01.04.2013 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 35.5 Кб
28.03.2013 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 27 Кб
25.03.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 28 Кб
22.03.2013 Essential fact message “Information about income accrued and/or paid out on the Issuer’s Securities»
doc, 49.5 Кб
21.03.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 39.5 Кб
13.03.2013 Essential fact notice “About the date of compiling the list of the issuer’s certificated, payable to bearer, with obligatory centralized custody EQUITY SECURITIES HOLDERS for the purpose of EXECUTING (implementing) the rights VESTED by ...
doc, 24.5 Кб
28.02.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), as well as about Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 34 Кб
28.02.2013 Essential Fact Message «About the Date of Compiling the List of the Holders of the Issuer's Registered Securities or the Issuer's Equity Securities Payable to Bearer with Obligatory Centralized Custody for the Purpose of Executing...
doc, 28.5 Кб
28.02.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Calling and Holding the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders) General Meeting and Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders) at the General Meeting»
doc, 29 Кб
25.02.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda”
doc, 28.5 Кб
18.02.2013 Essential Fact Message «Of the Information, Which in the Opinion of the Issuer Essentially Influenced the Value of the Issuer's Equity Securities »
doc, 38.5 Кб
14.02.2013 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37.5 Кб
15.01.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Accomplishment of the Interested Party Transaction by the Issuer”
doc, 28.5 Кб
23.01.2013 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 38 Кб
01.01.2013 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 27.5 Кб
24.12.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 40.5 Кб
06.12.2012 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with US GAAP for 9 Months ended September 30, 2012 and 2011
doc, 41 Кб
30.11.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 36 Кб
26.11.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 42 Кб
14.11.2012 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 36.5 Кб
12.11.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 40 Кб
01.11.2012 Message about Information, Which in the Opinion of the Issuer, Essentially Influences the Value of the Issuer's Equity Securities (Interim Quarterly) Accounting (Financial) Statements for the 3-rd Quarter of 2012)
doc, 40 Кб
22.10.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as certain decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 41 Кб
23.08.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 22 Кб
14.08.2012 Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 35.5 Кб
23.07.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 21 Кб
05.07.2012 Message about Disclosure on Internet Web Site Assignment of the rating to equity securities and/or their Issuer or the rating change by the rating agency on the basis of the agreement concluded with the Issuer
doc, 40 Кб
03.07.2012 Essential Fact Message «Information about General Meetings’ Resolutions»
doc, 59.5 Кб
25.06.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 39.5 Кб
21.06.2012 Message about Disclosure on Internet Web Site Assignment of the rating for equity securities and/or their Issuer or the rating change by the rating agency on the basis of the agreement concluded with the Issuer
doc, 37 Кб
18.06.2012 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with US GAAP for the 1st Quarter of 2012
doc, 22.5 Кб
21.05.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) Meeting and its Agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 43 Кб
14.05.2012 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 36.5 Кб
26.04.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Special Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 41 Кб
18.04.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 36.5 Кб
16.04.2012 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site of Consolidated Annual Financial Statements in Accordance with US GAAP for FY 2011
doc, 38.5 Кб
02.04.2012 Notice of Information Disclosure about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37 Кб
27.03.2012 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site about Annual Financial Statements of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 38 Кб
23.03.2012 Essential facts message “Information about income accrued and/or paid on the issuer’s securities»
doc, 46 Кб
20.03.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Certain Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 37.5 Кб
14.03.2012 Essential fact message «About the date of compiling the list of the issuer’s certificated documentary, payable to bearer, with obligatory centralized custody securities holders for the purpose of implementing the rights vested by such issuer’s securities».
doc, 39 Кб
28.02.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Calling and Holding the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders) General Meeting and about Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Participants (Shareholders) at the General Meeting».
doc, 23.5 Кб
28.02.2012 Essential Fact Message «On Holding the Meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), as well as about Certain Decisions Taken by the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 29 Кб
28.02.2012 Essential Fact Message «On the date of Compiling the List of the Issuer's Registered Securities Holders or the Issuer's Documentary Bearer Securities Holders with Mandatory Centralized Custody for the Purposes of Implementation (Realization) of Rights Vested by Such Equity Securities.»
doc, 24.5 Кб
21.02.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Individual Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 37.5 Кб
14.02.2012 Notice on the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 34.5 Кб
27.01.2012 Essential Fact Notice «On Holding the Issuer's Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) meeting and its agenda, as well as Individual Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer»
doc, 36.5 Кб
23.01.2012 Essential Fact Message «Of Data, Which in the Opinion of the Issuer, Essentially Influenced the Value of the Issuer's Equity Securities »
doc, 36 Кб
10.01.2012 Essential Fact Message on Disclosure of Information about the List of Affiliate Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 22 Кб
28.12.2011 Essential Fact Message «On the Meeting of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Issuer and Its Agenda, as well as on Special Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)»
doc, 37 Кб
14.12.2011 Message about Information Disclosure on the Internet Web Site of Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with US GAAP for Nine Months of 2011
doc, 38 Кб
14.11.2011 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 36 Кб
31.10.2011 Essential Fact Message “Information about Facts Entailing Single Increase (Decrease) of Net Profit and/or Net Losses of the Issuer by More Than 10 Percent”
doc, 22.5 Кб
06.10.2011 Message about Disclosure on the Web Site of the Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in Accordance with US GAAP for the 1st Half of 2011.
doc, 38 Кб
03.10.2011 Essential Fact Message Message about Disclosure of Information about the List of Affiliated Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 35.5 Кб
23.09.2011 Essential facts message «Information about income accrued and/or paid out income on the issuer’s securities» «Information about Timing of fulfilling the Issuer's Liabilities to the Holders of Securities»
doc, 42 Кб
15.09.2011 Essential facts message “About the date of compiling the list of the issuer’s certificated documentary, payable to bearer with obligatory centralized custody securities holders for the purpose of implementing the rights envisaged by such issuer’s securities”
doc, 41.5 Кб
12.08.2011 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 37 Кб
02.08.2011 Essential Fact Message “Information about Facts Entailing Single Increase (Decrease) of Net Profit and/or Net Losses of the Issuer by More Than 10 Percent”
doc, 37.5 Кб
04.07.2011 Essential Fact Message about Disclosure of Information about the List of Affiliate Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 21.5 Кб
04.07.2011 List of affiliates of the JSC
doc, 36 Кб
28.06.2011 Information about decisions of General Meetings
doc, 71.5 Кб
22.06.2011 Message about Disclosure of Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Statements in accordance with US GAAP for the 1st Quarter of 2011
doc, 38 Кб
13.05.2011 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 35.5 Кб
04.05.2011 Essential Fact Message “Information about Facts Entailing Single Increase (Decrease) of Net Profit or Net Losses of the Issuer by More Than 10 Percent”
doc, 34 Кб
03.05.2011 Essential Fact Message “Information about Decisions Taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)”
doc, 37 Кб
31.03.2011 Essential Fact Message. Message about Disclosure of Information about the List of Affiliate Entities of the Joint Stock Company on the Web Page
doc, 37 Кб
28.03.2011 Message about Refutation and Correction of Information Earlier Published in the News Line
doc, 42 Кб
25.03.2011 Essential Facts Message - “Information about Income accrued and/or paid on the Issuer’s Securities», «Information about Timing of fulfilling the Issuer's Liabilities to the Holders of Securities»
doc, 25.5 Кб
14.02.2011 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 36.5 Кб
31.12.2010 Essential Fact Message «Information about timing of fulfilling the issuer's liabilities to the holders of securities»
doc, 44.5 Кб
31.12.2010 Essential Fact Message. Message about Disclosure of Information about List of Affiliate Entities of the Joint Stock Company at the Web Page
doc, 22 Кб
09.12.2010 Message about information, which may essentially influence the cost of the Joint Stock Company securities. About acquisition by the Joint Stock Company of the participation interest in the authorized (joint-stock) capital of another commercial entity amounting to not less than 5 percent, or a portion of ordinary shares of another joint stock company amounting to not less than 5 percent, and also about changes of this portion, if it becomes higher or lower than 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 75 percent.
doc, 40 Кб
26.11.2010 Message about information, which may essentially influence the cost of the Joint Stock Company securities. About acquisition by the Joint Stock Company of the participation interest in the authorized (joint-stock) capital of another commercial entity amounting to not less than 5 percent, or a portion of ordinary shares of another joint stock company amounting to not less than 5 percent, and also about changes of this portion, if it becomes higher or lower than 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 75 percent.
doc, 41.5 Кб
12.11.2010 Message Message about the Procedure of Accessing the Information Contained in the Quarterly Report
doc, 36 Кб
03.11.2010 Essential Fact Message “Information about Facts Entailing Single Increase (Decrease) of Net Profit and/or Net Losses of the Issuer by More Than 10 Percent”
doc, 35.5 Кб
24.09.2010 Essential Fact Message » Information about Stages of the Securities Issuance Procedure». «Information about Completion of Securities Placement»
doc, 46 Кб
24.09.2010 Essential Fact Message » Information about Stages of the Securities Issuance Procedure»
doc, 50 Кб
23.09.2010 Message about Expiry of the Period for Submitting Offers of Potential Investors with a Proposal to Conclude a Preliminary Contract
doc, 40.5 Кб
23.09.2010 Essential Fact Message «Information about Accrued and/or Paid out Income on the Securities of the Issuer». «Information about Timing of Fulfillment of the Issuer's Commitment to the Holders of the Issuer's Securities»
doc, 54.5 Кб
23.09.2010 Message about information, Which May Essentially Influence the value of Securities of the Joint Stock Company
doc, 40 Кб
23.09.2010 Message «About Inclusion of Securities of the Joint Stock Company into the List of Securities Admitted for Trading by the Securities Market
doc, 37.5 Кб
13.09.2010 Invitation for Investors to Conclude Preliminary Agreements
doc, 80 Кб
04.08.2010 Essential Fact Message “Information about Facts Entailing Single Increase (Decrease) of Net Profit and/or Net Losses of the Issuer by More Than 10 Percent”
doc, 22.5 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 01
doc, 44 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 02
doc, 41.5 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 03
doc, 41.5 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 04
doc, 42 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 05
doc, 40.5 Кб
02.08.2010 Message about Information, Which May Essentially Influence the Cost of the Joint Stock Company's Securities - 06
doc, 42 Кб
12.08.09_Message about the procedure of accessing the information contained in the quarterly report (rus)
doc, 34.5 Кб
06.07.09_Information about resulutions of general Meetings (rus)
doc, 55 Кб
06.07.09_Information about charged and/or paid out income on the issuer’s securitie (rus)
doc, 39.5 Кб
14.05.09_Message about the procedure of accessing the information contained in the quarterly report (rus)
doc, 34.5 Кб
28.04.09_Decisions taken by the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board)_rus
doc, 40.5 Кб
31.12.08_Information regarding the timing of fulfilling commitments to the owners of securities (rus)
doc, 38 Кб
09.07.08_Information about the General Meetings Resolutions (rus)
doc, 56.5 Кб
30.01.08_Information on the date of closing the register of the issuer's shareholders (rus)
doc, 36 Кб