Marketing of Non-Core Production

Trade & Technical House of JSC Tatneft

The convenient location of the Company’s production facilities in the center of Russia is one of the essential advantages. There are thoroughfares concentrated in the south-eastern part of Tatarstan connecting central Russia with the North-West, Urals and eastern regions of the country, which allows supplying the products of PJSC TATNEFT to Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Samara, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, West Siberia, Republic of Belarus and other areas.

The Company sells products manufactured by the enterprises and divisions of PJSC TATNEFT to outside organizations via the TATNEFT Trade and Technical House, which is a structural division of the Company.

Tatneft Trade and Technical House sells the following materials: metal/plastic steel pipes, glass fiber pipes, steel corrosion resistant pipes (PPT), steel pipes with internal cement/sand lining and external polyethylene insulation (CPP), steel pipes with external polymer insulation, thermal insulated pipes and fittings thereto, cable products, oil field equipment, drilling equipment of the TATNEFT Group of Companies, unclaimed and non-liquid logistical resources and second-hand pipes.

Metal-plastic pipes produced by OOO "TMS Truboprovodservis" are supplied to RUP "Belorusneft", OOO "Samaraneftegazservis", OOO "Stroimontage", OOO "STT". The polymer coated pipes produced by the Bugulma Mechanical Plant are delivered to RUP "Belorusneft", OOO "STT", ZAO "Globalstroyinzhenering"; polyethylene external insulation - JSC "Stroytehservis", JSC "TNK-BP", JSC "Mellyaneft" and other companies. Part of the products is delivered to small oil companies in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The main consumers of chain drives and oilfield equipment are small oil companies in the Republic of Tatarstan, JSC "Samaraneftegaz", JSC "Moscow Oil Refinery", JSC "Ufa Refinery", ZAO "Mashprom", JSC "Kuibyshev Refinery" and other enterprises.

In 2015, the products sale volume amounted to RUB 1,626 million with the planned level amounting to RUB 1,151 million.

Within the overall volume of sales the volume of supplies to outside companies came to RUB 936 million (RUB 1,512 mln for 2014) with the "intra-group" supplies amounting to RUB 690 million (RUB 794 million for 2014).

The main share in the structure of sales came down to the following equipment:

  • Pipes for various purposes: RUB 698 million (RUB 1,024 million in 2014);
  • Chain drives: RUB 126 million (RUB 276million in 2014);
  • Oilfield equipment: RUB 301 million (RUB 361 million in 2014);
  • Other products: RUB 501 millions. (RUB 645 mln in 2014).