Industrial Safety and Labor Protection

The work on industrial safety and labor protection, prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases is performed at PJSC TATNEFT in accordance with the "Production safety system of PJSC TATNEFT” and the “Provision for the operational control of the compliance with the industrial safety requirements at the hazardous production facilities of PJSC TATNEFT”.

The "Production safety system of PJSC TATNEFT” establishes uniform requirements for the elements of the control systems of industrial, fire, electricity, radiation safety and labor protection.

The “Provision for the operational control of the compliance with the industrial safety requirements at the hazardous production facilities of PJSC TATNEFT” establishes a uniform procedure for the operational control in all the structural divisions and subsidiaries of PJSC TATNEFT with involvement of the senior officers and professionals of the production services and offices into implementation of the preventive measures.

The standards of the Joint Stock Company regulating the work of the production control services have been brought in line with the applicable law. "Regulations on the Industrial Safety Management System" and “Regulations on the admission of contractors and the safe production work organization at PJSC TATNEFT” have been brought into effect to ensure the production operations safety.

For the purpose of improving the labor discipline, labor protection and industrial safety as well as clarifying the records management procedures and designing signs and pointers at the oil facilities of PJSC TATNEFT the following standards have been developed: “Standard for designing of the PJSC TATNEFT oil facilities” and “Organization Standard. Uniform forms of documentation of the works on industrial safety and labor protection at PJSC TATNEFT”.

In order to improve the work on creating safe and healthy labor conditions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Recommendations for planning labor protection measures there are labor protection agreements annually concluded by the structural divisions of the Company, which are supplemented to the Collective Agreement of PJSC TATNEFT.

The policy of industrial safety and labor and environment protection is supported by a complex of corporate IT systems. The automatic process control system (ASU TP) ensures technological safety through automated performance of industrial processes and remote control of the facilities without continuous presence of the personnel.

The industrial processes in drilling, workover and remedial wells repair are controlled by the system of video monitoring, which considerably increases the technological and industrial discipline at the facilities.
There are automatic fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems in operation at the facilities for fire safety. The fire alarm signals are transmitted from all the refining facilities to the control panel in the fire department via the radio channel, which has allowed reducing the number of false alarm signals two-fold.

Certification of the engineering and technical personnel of the Company on labor protection and occupational safety is carried out using information technologies.