Work with Youth

Work with Youth

PJSC TATNEFT links its future with young professionals, ready to devote their energies, abilities and aspirations to the Company's prosperity. Therefore, the work with youth is an important element of the Company's Personnel Management policy.

The main objective of the youth policy is development and support of young workers, implementation of their professional and creative potential in the interests of the Company.

The Company promotes positive social adaptation of the young workers to the changes in the society and the activity of PJSC TATNEFT.

The Company's youth policy subjects are as follows:

  • Young workers aged 16 to 33 years;
  • Young specialists under the age of 33, who joined the Company after graduation from colleges and universities;
  • Students who study the specialties required by the Company;
  • Schoolchildren in the framework of the professional orientation program.

There is a corporate youth organization successfully operating in the Company, which has been built on the principles of convergence of economic and social interests of the Company and working youth.
Structure of the corporate youth organization of PJSC Tatneft

Various bodies and officials of the Company are involved in working with young people and among them there are a Youth Committee of PJSC TATNEFT, Council of Young Specialists to implement the social programs of the Company as well as young officers coming out with initiatives and the management of PJSC TATNEFT divisions.

The principles of the Company's youth policy are as follows:

  • Social partnership between the Administration and the youth in solving economic, industrial/technical and social problems;
  • Optimal ratio of the Company's interests and needs of the young people for the purpose of dynamic development of JSC TATNEFT;
  • Consolidation of organizational efforts and financial assets of the youth policy entities;
  • Adequacy of the rights and responsibilities of the young workers;
  • Corporate and public control over the results of the youth policy;
  • Flexible combination of social protection and social responsibility of the young workers with regard to the Company;
  • Active professional and civic position of a young employee as a basis of the corporate solidarity;
  • Continuity of traditions.

The work with the young people is aimed at the professional development of young employees, ensuring social support and creative self-realization of talented youth. The Youth policy promotes the interaction of the young people in the information space both within the Company and outside it as well as the development of tolerance and civic position, corporate patriotism and solidarity.