The Personnel Management Policy in the area of labor protection and industrial safety is aimed at reducing the risk of injury and accidents, loss of working time and equipment, and preventing the possible negative impact of the Company’s activities on the environment. This is achieved through the Integrated Management System of industrial safety, occupational health and environment of TATNEFT PJSC.
The Company constantly improves the reliability and operational safety of hazardous production facilities, improves working conditions for the personnel. The Company pays great attention to the issues of preventing occupational diseases, reducing the personnel injuries rate, as well as to the development of sustainable skills, and safe work practices.
The Company maintains a required level of personnel training, fully ensuring the Company’s safe operation, informs the staff about the state of industrial safety and encourages employees’ interest in observing the rules of safe work at the workplace.
The Company's personnel management policy in the area of occupational health and safety provides both for the staff getting acquainted with safety rules, as well as strict adherence thereto. Each employee is expected to unconditional comply with all rules and regulations on labor protection and industrial safety.