The corporate culture of PJSC TATNEFT is based on the norms and traditions that are conducive to strengthening the position of the Company in the oil and gas business.
The corporate culture of the Company has retained all the best that characterized the Company's activity under the conditions of the socialist economy, and integrated the up-to-date market-oriented culture, adapting them to particular features of the Company and various categories of the personnel. Further improvement of the corporate culture is an integral part of strategic development and is subject to long-term interests of the Company.
The policy in the area of improving the corporate culture is oriented at the development of the Company declared values and their acceptance by all employees. Development of the employees commitment to the corporate values, their professions and working groups is one of the priority tasks for managers at all levels of the Company's management.
The basic norms and rules of business ethics and business behavior of the employees are reflected in the Corporate Culture Code of PJSC TATNEFT, observance of which enhances the reputation of the Company.
The Policy of Personnel Management of PJSC TATNEFT is aimed at creating favorable environment for all generations of the employees. The Company builds its relations with the employees on the basis of preserving and developing the best traditions and the continuity of generations.