Recent history  (1990 - 2018)

Recent history (1990 - 2018)

1992. Start of implementation of one of the largest and most essential EEC contracts – the unique diagnostic center built based on the project of the world-famous American surgeon Dr. Michael Debakey.

February 1994. Tatarstan and Russia signed a treaty on delimitation of the spheres of interest and mutual delegating of powers. Interests of Tatarstan and Russia related to the oil production were defined by special agreements.

1994. «Tatneft» Amalgamation was reorganized into a joint stock company.

1995. TATNEFT stabilized its level of oil production. It was the first time since 1966 when the increase of oil reserves exceeded annual output in the Republic. Kichuy Refinery of estimated power 400,000 tons of oil per year was constructed.

1994-1996. TATNEFT got several awards of international financial institutes, funds and academies.

December 1996 – March 1998.
JSC TATNEFT became a pioneer among the Russian oil companies Russia in the introduction of its shares into the world markets of long-term capital.

1998. 50 years since the beginning of Romashkinskoye field development. By the decision of JSC TATNEFT Board of Directors the construction of Nizhnekamsk Refinery was considered to be a strategic line of activity of the Company.

The end of the XX century. JSC TATNEFT was forming as a vertically integrated holding company. It bought considerable blocks of shares of petrochemical enterprises of Tatarstan. The Nizhnekamsk Refinery and a network of filling petrol stations were constructed quickly. TATNEFT came out into oil markets of several countries, showing its technical and technological power, and used opportunities to increase its reserves and production enhancement activity.

JSC TATNEFT gets into contacts with officials of the oil companies of Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Mongolia, Jordan, China, Egypt, and Italy. The Kalmtatneft Joint Venture was founded in Kalmykia for exploration and development of oil fields. The volumes of exploration and production drilling increased almost twofold.

2000. The fiftieth anniversary of JSC TATNEFT foundation. The 2,700,000,000th ton of oil was produces from the fields of the Republic of Tatarstan. The TATNEFT Youth organization was established.

2001. TATNEFT participated in the IVth International Show of Industrial Property «Archimedes» in Moscow (three golden and one silver medals). The 500-millionth ton of oil was produced by NGDU "Jalilneft". TATNEFT was acknowledged as the best exporter of Russia in 2000. Mountaineers from Almetyevsk city hoisted TATNEFT flag on Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe.

2002. The base complex of the Nizhnekamsk Refinery was put into operation.

The Company broke the record in production and sales of Nizhnekamsk tires. In October JSC «Nizhnekamskshina» produced 1,013,000 tires per month for the first time during the last ten years.

The same number of tires was sold by KAMA Trade Firm by the results of the month.

The management structure of TATNEFT was optimized with establishment of gas TatNefteGazpererabotka Department) as well as a petrochemical TatNeft – NefteKhim) sections.

TATNEFT participated in financing the construction of a bridge across the Kama River.

TATNEFT's victory in All-Russia Contest “1000 best Companies of Russia”.

2003. The year witnessed TATNEFT's reconstructing and building new social facilities in the city of Almetyevsk at unprecedented pace: a horse racetrack, Maidan, a cascade of ponds, an ambulance station, a fluorography facility, a boarding school, schools No.10 and No. 16, medical treatment facilities for children.

Celebrations held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Tatarstan oil and the 50th anniversary of the city of Almetyevsk.

Participation in the last pre-war Iraqi exhibition in Baghdad "Iraq Oil Show-2003", the International "Oil and Gas-2003" Exhibition in Moscow, in the Vth International Conference of the Oil and Gas Chemistry.

Тhe VIIth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geoinformatics in the Oil and Gas Industry was held at the premises of TatNIPIneft Research and design Institute in November. The IVth Conference of the Young Workers of JSC TATNEFT was held in December.

Preferred shares of JSC TATNEFT were included into the Listing of 'A2' Category of the RTS trading system. International rating agency Fitch raised the rating of TATNEFT liabilities from 'B-' to 'B'. The Standard & Poor's Agency raised the credit rating of the Company.

The 30th anniversary of JSC Nizhnekamskshina, the largest enterprise of OOO Tatneft-Neftekhim. Nizhnekamskshina was acknowledged to be the most dynamically developing exporter in Russia in 2002. Five models of JSC Nizhnekamskshina were awarded golden, silver and bronze medals at the VIth International specialized exhibition.

Year 2004. The year of awards. Six awards were presented to the specialists of TATNEFT at the "Engineer of the Year" Contest. The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Administration of Kazan awarded Tatneft with Diploma "For contributions into the development of domestic tourism" based on the results of the "Tourism. Recreation. Sports-2004" Exhibition. "Neftyanik Tatarstana (Oilman of Tatarstan) newspaper won the prestigious all-Russian journalists' contest of "PE-GAS-2003", and it was acknowledged as the best regional corporate newspaper at the all-Russian Forum of the corporate media. Following the decision of the Supreme Council of the «Russian Brand» the golden Sign of Quality was awarded to the network of gas filling stations operated by ZAO Tatneft-Moscow. In August Tatneft was awarded a Diploma of the "Best exporter of the Republic of Tatarstan", as well as the 1st place Diploma for the best arrangement of invention, rationalization and patent/licensing activity among industrial enterprises.

A new company was established In Tatarstan: TATNEFT, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Svyazinvestneftekhim and the South Korean LG Company established OAO Tatar-Korean Petrochemical Company (TKNK). Extensive activities were launched in the social sphere. OAO Aznakay Kiemnere Branch was open in Shugurovo to address the problems of unemployment. Gifted Children Foundation was established in March. Tatneft started operation of the European standard ski mountaineering base in December.

Year 2005. TATNEFT is in the first dozen of 50 leading companies Russia. The 2005 Russia 50 rating was arranged based on the standards of the famous Fortune 500 list and it was published for the first time in the «Big Business» magazine. TATNEFT was named the «Best Company in the area of invention, rationalization and patent/licensing» by the results of the annual contest for the arrangement of inventive, rationalization and patent/licensing activity.

The idea of the multilateral wells drilling has been implemented. The wellbores in well No. 8249 branch horizontally by the azimuth as well as by the productive layers of the pay thickness providing for improved coverage of productive horizons. OOO Tatneft-Burenye (Drilling) drilled on its own for the first well with application of the underbalanced drilling technology. The same year TATNEFT drilled the first wildcat in Orenburg District. NGDU Dzhalilneft completed drilling of downhole branched splitters in deposit No.12.
A new Department for Geological Exploration and Development of Hydrocarbons in the New Territories was established. ZAO Nizhnekamsk Refinery was established.
TATNEFT and Sibneft won the battle: controlling stake in the Moscow Oil Refinery was transferred to the alliance the two companies.

Year 2006. NGDU Aznakaevskneft acquired a new leader - Razif Galimov. OOO Tatneft-Energoservis celebrated its 15th anniversary. NGDU Almetyevneft introduced the technology of co-mingled injection.

TATNEFT began cooperation with AvtoVAZ in such areas as supply of Tatneft petrochemical complex products to AvtoVAZ, namely, synthetic motor oils and high-quality motor gasoline, as well as KAMA EURO tires manufactured under European technologies by the Nizhnekamsk tire factory controlled by TATNEFT.

Drillers of TATNEFT drilled a unique U-shaped horizontal through well exiting to the surface at Ashalchinskoe bituminous field with application of a conventional drilling rig BU-75 in May.

JSC TATNEFT received compliance certificates with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999 in August.

Initial 100 tons of bituminous oil produced.

Tatneft sale of technology earnings exceeded one billion rubles for the first time.

2007. Production of bituminous oil from the Ashalchinskoye natural bitumen field with the application of SAGD technology by TATNEFT Company exceeded 1000 tons in the first days of 2007.

A large-scale celebration of production of the 3rd billion ton of Tatar oil was held in Almetyevsk.

JSC Nizhnekamskshina reached a record-breaking production level: the three hundred millionth «Kama» tire came off the conveyor belt on July, 22.

The Company has won many awards. TATNEFT became a winner of the VIth All-Russia contest "Russian organization of high social efficiency" in nomination "Wages and welfare payments". It was for the forth time that TATNEFT Company was awarded the title "Best enterprise on invention and rationalization in the Republic of Tatarstan" in 2006.

The General Director of JSC TATNEFT Shafagat Tahautdinov became a winner of the premium «Golden ROSING-2006», awarded annually for outstanding service in the development of the Russian oil and gas industry. In March «Tatneft» became a laureate of the All-Russia Contest «100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and ecological management », and it was awarded a diploma and a golden medal of "European quality".

Ak Bars hockey team ranking No.1 in the Russian Superleague Championship crushed HPK Finnish team scoring 6:0 in the final game in St. Petersburg.

In August the team of mountaineering oilmen ascended Mont Blanc (4,810 m), the highest peak in Western Europe.

2008. The program came into effect to improve the efficiency of production management and strengthening the financial and economic condition of JSC TATNEFT for the period to 2015.

Non-core activities were withdrawn from JSC TATNEFT, management of oil service companies was efficiently reorganized and the institution of management companies was formed by the activity segments as part of the Compamy’s restructuring.

JSC TATNEFT was included into the Platts Top 250 global rating of the most effective energy companies.

JSC TATNEFT and GK "Turkmenneft" signed a protocol on cooperation in the oil and gas industry in the territory of Turkmenistan. The Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Government of the Samara region and JSC TATNEFT.

The corner stone was laid into the foundation of the plant for the production glass fiber and glass fiber based products at the "Alabuga" free economic zone (SEZ).

2009. JSC TATNEFT reaffirmed the highest environmental rating becoming the third year consecutive winner of one of the the most prestigious environmental contests in the country "One hundred best companies in Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management". The contest highest award - badge of honor "Environmentalist of the Year" was conferred to Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of the Company.

A unique "DRECO 2000" slant rig started operation at Ashalchinskoye field. Nizhnekamsk Solid Steel Cord Tires factory was commissioned in October. The first commissioning stage of the the plant for the production of glass fiber and glass fiber based products at the "Alabuga" free economic zone (SEZ) was completed.

The construction of the oil refining and petrochemical plants complex in Nizhnekamsk was continued. More than 100 million rubles were daily assimilated at the construction site. Laying of a trunk oil pipeline from "Kaleykino" pumping station to the refinery under construction was completed. The work has started on the reconstuction of the "Nizhnekamsk - Almetyevsk - Kstovo" main product pipeline.

Hockey club "Ak Bars" was a three-time champion of Russia and the first winner of the Gagarin Cup. JSC TATNEFT received an encouraging Letter of thanks of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan for the worthy contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Tatarstan and the winning of the hockey club "Ak Bars" team in the Russian Championshp of 2008-2009 season.
Revaluation of probablehydrocarbo reserves in Tatarstan resulted in the stock volume reaching 1.47 billion tons with the increase amounting to about 0.5 billion tons.

2010. TATNEFT received the trademark "Leader-2010" of the "Archimedes-2010" International Salon of Industrial Property. The Company was awarded the Grand Prix for the best exhibit in the nomination "Enhanced oil recovery” at the International Specialized Exhibition "Oil. Gas/Petrochemistry - 2010". TATNEFT was awarded a Diploma "Pride of Tatarstan" for implementing the project of the plant for the production of glass fiber and glass fiber based products. Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of JSC TATNEFT was awarded the honorary sign "Best leader in environmental and industrial safety" of the All-Russian contest "100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management".

In 2010, for the first time in its history, TATNEFT has started commercial oil production abroad - in Syria. The Company produced the first million tons of oil from the licensed fields outside the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation since the beginning of their development.

A significant event was test products obtaining in the mode of comprehensive testing the Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

2010 witnessed the construction completion of the dry stripped gas deep processing installation, which allowed increasing the level of extracting the ethane fraction from associated petroleum gas. Serial production of new truck tires under the Continental technology was started at the Solid Steel Cord Tires factory in Nizhnekamsk. A significant step was the start of a new business: generation of heat and electricity. An electronic marketplace for purchasing material and technical resources was put into operation. The "Intelligent field" project was implemented within the area of one oil field being a testing ground for the advanced technological solutions at all stages of the production process. The German-Russian joint venture for the production of glass fiber started operaton at the territory of the "Alabuga" special economic zone, which provided jobs for more than 400 persons. Implementation of a new ten-year "Resource saving" program was started at TATNEFT.

2011. TATNEFT won eight gold, three silver and three bronze medals, the Cup and Diploma "For the high level of invention in the Republic of Tatarstan" at the XIVth "Archimedes-2011" Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies.

JSC TATNEFT was acknowleged a leader in environmental transparency among the enterprises of the Russian Federation in the field of oil production in the rating survey arranged by the international group and was awarded an honorary diploma "Environmental Leader in Russia 2011". According to the "Leaders of the Economy-2011” rating results JSC TATNEFT was ranking the 4th among domestic companies engaged in crude oil and associated gas production.

In February 2011, the Company opened a branch office in Turkmenistan to provide services aimed at improving oil recovery from the existing well stock and further use of the crude oil potential at Goturdepe field.

The first 100 tons of extra-viscous oil were produced at Ashalchinskoye field in November. The first construction phase of the JSC TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex was completed. The first phase of the JSC TANECO refinery complex was commissioned.

Department for Implementation of the JSC TATNEFT’s construction project of the combined hydrocracking unit was established in March.

November 1 witnessed the equipment comprehensive testing completion of the TANECO’s First Starting Complex.

Conclusion of Rostechnadzor on the compliance of the TANECO’s First Stage optimized starting complex with the requirements of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation was obtained.

November 3. The Construction and Architecture Administration of the Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan issued a permit to commission the facilities of the First Start-up Complex.

November 29. Following the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the JSC TANECO’s Oil Refinery was included in the number of operating enterprises in Russia. A license was obtained on December 2 from the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) for the operation of fire and explosion hazardous production facilities.

2012. May 29. The first million tonnes of products manufactured by JSC TANECO were delivered to the pipeline system of JSC Sredne-Volzhsky Transnefteprodukt.

June 22. The grand opening ceremony of Predkombinatskaya station took place, which was an important linking part in the NPiNHZ Complex off-site railway system

June – August. Delivery and installation of large-tonnage equipment at the hydrocracking unit site.

August 17. Starting the production of granulated sulfur.

November. Conclusions were received on compliance with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation for 102 titles of the 1A1 JSC TANECO Starting Complex.

December 28. R.N. Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of JSC TATNEFT applied design voltage to technological process facilities of the combined hydrocracking unit.

JSC TATNEFT was named the best company in Eastern Europe in the field of oil refining and sales in 2012.

The 1000th dual completion and production (DCP) installation was implemented at JSC TATNEFT. The equipment was installed in the well of Almetyevneft Oil and Gas Producing Division.

TATNEFT and AvtoVAZ signed an agreement on strategic partnership, providing for the supply of tyres manufactured by JSC Nizhnekamskshina during 2012-2014 to the Tolyatti automobile plant.

JSC TATNEFT received the 5,000th patent for an invention.

Program of cooperation in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian areas between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Tatarstan for 2012-2014 was signed in Kazan.

JSC TATNEFT approved a new version of the Policy in the area of industrial safety, labor protection and the environment.

JSC TATNEFT's innovative E-education projects, E-Corporate University (ECU) and Student Labor Exchange, were highly praised in the Silicon Valley, USA.

Fitch Ratings has raised the long-term issuer default rating of JSC TATNEFT n.a. V.D. Shashin to “BB +” level with “stable” outlook.

In June, the first products batch was shipped from the JSC TANECO synthetic oils plant for JSC AvtoVAZ.

The Moody's Investor Services rating agency raised the corporate group ratings and the probability of default of JSC TATNEFT n.a V.D. Shashin to the level of “Ba1” with “stable” outlook.

A recertification audit of JSC TATNEFT was carried out. The Company confirmed compliance of the integrated management system with international requirements of industrial safety, health and environment ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007.

The Agreement on the establishment and location of the TATNEFT’s OOO Scientific and Technical Center on the territory of the Skolkovo Technopark was signed.

JSC TATNEFT was twice in the TOP-10 group with the highest level of information openness rating among the Russian companies in the fuel and energy complex.

February. The TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex received certificates for the compliance of the integrated management system with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 international standards.

September witnessed the sites preparation start for the construction of contemplated installations for hydrotreatment of naphtha, kerosene, diesel fuel, and a delayed coking unit.

JSC TANECO was awarded the honorary title “Best Environmentally Responsible Enterprise in the Region” and the awarding ceremony took place within the framework of the Russian Industrial and Environmental Forum “RosPromEco-2013”.

November 15. Operation of the hydrogen production unit was started in a comprehensive testing mode.
Construction and assembly works were completed on a combined hydrocracking unit.

The preparatory works for commissioning the combined hydrocracking unit were completed.

Tyre manufacturing factories of the JSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex successfully passed a supervisory audit for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO / TS 16949.

The landmarking 13-millionth tyre rolled off the conveyor of JSC Nizhnekamskshina.

The TATNEFT’s Scientific and Technical Center was granted the status of a participant in the project to create and ensure the functioning of the "Skolkovo" innovation center.

2014. TATNEFT retains one of the highest MTBF among large Russian oil companies. The general mean time between failures (MTBF) for oil wells at JSC TATNEFT for 2013 was 1198 days.

For the eleventh consecutive time, TATNEFT was awarded the honorary title "Best Enterprise for Invention and Rationalization in 2013" for the high performance in innovation, Big Cup and the diploma of the Ressovet of the Society of Inventors and Innovators of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Professionals of JSC TATNEFT became laureates of the XIVth All-Russian contest "Engineer of the Year 2013".
" Kama-Kazakhstan" Trading House" opened the largest automated tyre and logistics complex in the Special Economic Zone of Astana in the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the sale and maintenance of tyres manufactured by the Nizhnekamsk TATNEFT’s tyre manufacturing complex.

On March 24, the Volga Department of Rostechnadzor issued to JSC TANECO a conclusion on compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation of a number of constructed facilities of Stage 1B of the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

JSC TATNEFT opened the Tyre & Service Center in Izhevsk (Udmurt Republic).

400 thousand tonnes of high viscosity oil were produced at the Ashalchinskoye field.

JSC TANECO switched from the comprehensive testing mode of the auto-loading system to the system’s commercial use.

Shares of JSC TATNEFT are included in the quotation list of the First (highest) listing level at the Moscow Exchange.

Fitch Ratings raised for a long-term issuer default rating (IDR) of JSC TATNEFT n.a. V.D. Shashin to the level of "BBB-" with “stable” outlook.

JSC TATNEFT was awarded the prestigious All-Russian awards: the Company and Nail Maganov, the Company’s General Director, were awarded two diplomas of the National Environmental Prize for 2014.

The bench tests of Euro-5 diesel fuel produced at the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Complex were completed successfully.

The KAMA EURO-236 tyres of the Nizhnekamskshina factory were selected for the initial configuration of the popular LADA Largus car (a wagon of increased capacity on the B0 platform of the Renault-Nissan Alliance).

Certificates of compliance with the corporate quality management system (CQMS) in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISOTS 16949 were presented to the JSC TATNEFT’s tyre complex enterprises.

A supervisory audit of the industrial safety, occupational health and the environment integrated management system for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 was successfully completed at JSC TATNEFT.

Pilot commercial batches (jet fuel) for jet engines of the ТС-1, РТ and Jet-А1 grades were produced at the TANECO’s combined hydrocracking installation.

According to the results of tests conducted by the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Regular 92 brand gasoline (AI-92-K5), produced at the Elkhovo oil refining installation (ENPU) of JSC TATNEFT’s NGDU "Elkhovneft" was among the top five in terms of the combustion heat index.

The works on the installation of coke oven chambers manufactured by JSC Volgogradneftemash was completed at the delayed coking unit of the TANECO Complex.

Marangoni S.p.A. and TATNEFT Group of Companies decided to establish a joint venture in Russia to retread truck tyres with solid steel cord. The joint venture would be located in Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

Tyre products of the JSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex were among the winners of the contest "100 best goods of Russia" again.

The opening ceremony of the Combined Hydrocracking Unit was held in Nizhnekamsk at the TANECO Complex of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants with the participation of Dmitry Medvedev, Government Chairman of the Russian Federation.

The inspection audit of the environmental management system confirming the validity of the international IQNet certificate was successfully performed at JSC Nizhnekamskshina of the JSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex.

The Nizhnekamsk Truck Tyre Factory of the JSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex successfully passed the inspection audit of the environmental management system and was granted an international certificate.

JSC TATNEFT was recognized the absolute winner of the Republican "ECOleader" contest for the eleventh time.
TATNEFT Company was named the winner of the nationwide Patron of the Year campaign.

2015. TATNEFT was recognized as the “Best Enterprise for the Invention and Rationalization of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Two engineering developments of TATNEFT Company received the first-degree diplomas of the annually held International Exhibition “Energy. Resource Efficiency“.

The operation of the corporate JSC TATNEFT’s KCC social network was launched.

The JSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant became the winner of the Interregional Specialized Exhibition “Gas. Oil. New Technologies - to the Extreme North” held in New Urengoy.

JSC TATNEFT successfully completed the project for the construction of the Yamurzino CSP - Bondyuzhskaya UPS oil pipeline of NGDU Prikamneft with an underwater crossing of the Izh River.

An agreement was signed between RT and the Ministry of Natural Resources on the establishment of testing grounds for the introduction of new technologies for prospecting, exploration and development of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon resources.

There was a large-tonnage equipment installation performed at the TANECO complex - a platforming cascade reactor manufactured by Walter Tosto S.p.A.

The exposition of the Normandie-Niemen aviation regiment was opened at the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics in the French Le Bourget With the financial support of PJSC TATNEFT.

PJSC TATNEFT started the hotline operation.

Participation of JSC TATNEFT in two large projects of the non-governmental ecological fund n.a. V.I. Vernadsky was rewarded.

The TATNEFT Company’s social facilities were recognized as the best and were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas of the All-Russian Forum "Zdravnitsa-2015" in Moscow.

Medsachast of PJSC TATNEFT and Almetyevsk celebrated the 60th anniversary.

Awards of the Republican contest “Doctor of the Year - Ak Chechekler” were conferred to professionals of the Medical Unit of PJSC TATNEFT and the city of Almetyevsk in the in the nomination “Unique Case”.

Products and services of the TATNEFT Group of Companies’ enterprises were named winners of the contest “Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

BMZ of JSC TATNEFT successfully passed the recertification audit of the quality management system (QMS) for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011. The Company received a certificate of compliance with the quality management system requirements for a period of three years.

A new corporate contest was launched for the title of “Best Drilling Team for the Construction of Wells in High Viscosity Oil Fields”.

Construction of the associated petroleum gas treatment unit was completed at the Irgiz field of OOO TATNEFT-Samara.

TATNEFT-AZS Center was recognized as the official fuel supplier for the 16th World Aquatics Championship.

The 70th anniversary of NGDU Leninogorskneft.

TATNEFT successfully completed the first stage the Nizhnekamsk OOO CHP large revamping.

TATNEFT received five high awards as a result of the contest within the XXIInd International Exhibition “Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2015" for the best exhibit, project or technical solution.

The capsule was laid in honor of starting the construction of the 50-meter swimming pool "Miras", which construction had been scheduled for 2016-2017. A new kindergarten "Friendship" was opened for accommodation of 260 children.

The TANECO complex produced 100,000 tonnes of sulfur.

TATNEFT with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan held a Company contest of artists dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

A public garden was opened in the Yaszlek district with the financial support of PJSC TATNEFT.

The Trade Union organization PJSC “TN” celebrated its 30th anniversary.

The first loading of the ТС-1 brand fuel for jet engines was performed at TANECO.

TATNEFT Company held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Development of Hydrocarbon Raw Materials Deep Processing in the Russian Federation" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of TANECO.

PJSC TATNEFT presented its technologies and equipment at the XXIIIth International Exhibition "Oil and Gas KIOGE-2015 (Almaty)

The TANECO complex became the winner of the Russian Quality Leader contest.

Tyre products of the PJSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex again became the winner of the contest “100 best goods of Russia”.

PJSC TATNEFT won the first All-Russian MediaTEK contest of mass media, press services of fuel and energy companies and regional administrations

The youth organization of PJSC TATNEFT celebrated the 15th anniversary.

The virtual reception office of the PJSC TATNEFT’s General Director started working.

JSC "Almetyevsk Heat Networks" completed a large-scale project of the Company. launching the third mini-CHP.

The 3,000,000 tyre rolled off the conveyor of the OOO Nizhnekamsk SSC tyre factory.

2016. The PJSC TATNEFT’s project "Creating the technology for hydroconversion of heavy oil feedstock for obtaining high-quality fuels, oils and feedstock for petrochemical processes" was granted a national project status.

The PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant received a certificate from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the “ASME” brand stamp with the “U” designation.

Professionals of PJSC TATNEFT again became winners of the XVIth All-Russian Contest "Engineer of the Year", held annually by the Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Public Organizations with the participation of the Academy of Engineering Sciences n.a. A.M. Prokhorov and the Interregional Fund for the promotion of scientific and technical progress.

The “Nizhnekamskshina” factory of the PJSC TATNEFT’s petrochemical complex became the winner of the 11th All-Russian contest “Leader of Russia's Environmental Protection Activities”.

Installation of an extractive distillation column at the TANECO Complex. The installation of this large-tonnage equipment was the next stage in the construction of a complex for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons.

PJSC TATNEFT produced 1 million tonnes of high–viscosity oil (HVO) from the Ashalchinskoye field since the start of development.
A new TATNEFT’s filling station opened in Brest, at 28, Raduzhnaya Street, which was the fourteenth filling station of the Company in the Republic of Belarus.

The 400 millionth tyre was manufactured by the PJSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex.

TATNEFT’s filling station No. 63 in the Moscow region, owned by OOO TATNEFT AZS-Zapad, became the winner of the prestigious International Filling Station of the Month contest.

TATNEFT was among the top five leaders in creating the Company’s shareholder value in the oil industry Value Creators 2016 ranking.
PJSC TATNEFT ranked first among global innovators in the Thomson Reuters ranking.

Social facilities of the TATNEFT Company were recognized as the best and they were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas of the contest held in the framework of the All-Russian forum "ZDRAVNITSA-2016".

A representative of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant won the first place in the National Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia-2016) held at the Crocus Expo exhibition center (Moscow).

The delayed coking unit and related offsite facilities of the TANECO Oil Refineries Complex in Nizhnekamsk received a positive conclusion from the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

TANECO products were awarded gold honorable distinctions in the contest “All-Russian Brand (IIIrd millennium). Quality Mark of the XXIst Century” held at the International Exhibition in Moscow.

Jet A-1 aviation fuel produced by JSC TANECO was commended at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Forum held in Prague.
A delayed coking unit with a feed rate of 2 million the tonnes per year was successfully launched in the mode of comprehensive equipment testing at the TANECO Complex.

Fuel oil production was completely stopped at the TANECO refinery and they started mazut-free operations there.
Oil and Gas Production Division "Bavlyneft" celebrated its 70th anniversary.

Supervisory external audit of the integrated management system of industrial safety, occupational health and the environment for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 was successfully completed in PJSC TATNEFT.
TATNEFT Group Development Strategy until 2025 was approved.

The first ceremony of awarding PJSC TATNEFT grants as held. The Grant Company‘s Committee reviewed more than 70 projects in the nominations "social sphere", "citizenship and patriotism", "culture and art" and "sports" and 28 of them received financial support.
TATNEFT received three top awards from the International Specialized Exhibition “Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2016.

The TS-1 brand jet fuel, produced at the TANECO Complex, became a laureate of the contest “Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial and Technological Products”.

Bugulma Mechanical Plant joined the Association of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Enterprises.

The share of TATNEFT Company in the authorized capital of PJSC Bank ZENIT exceeded 50%.

The project of TATNEFT became the winner of the third All-Russian contest ENES-2016 among the projects implemented in the energy saving and energy efficiency area.

The TS-1 brand jet fuel, produced by the TANECO Complex, became a laureate of the contest “100 best goods of the Russian Federation” in the nomination “Industrial and Technological Products”.

Bugulma Mechanical Plant, TATNEFT Training Center and TATNEFT-AZS Center, which were enterprises of TATNEFT Company, became prize winners of the XIIth Republican quality contest for the prize of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

"TATNEFT-AZS Center" was awarded 4 diplomas of the Cup n.a Gastev winners.

The "Green Fitness" social project of TATNEFT Company became a winner of the International Contest of communication projects "Eventiada Awards 2016" in the nomination "The Best Project for Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle".

The activities of OOO TATNEFT-AZS-Zapad were positively mentioned in the reports of Rosstandart senior staff of the North-West Federal District (it would be desirable to learn first names and surnames). The information was voiced during the XIth International Congress and Technical Conference (St. Petersburg).

TATNEFT was once again recognized as the absolute winner of the Republican contest “Ecoleader”. The TANECO complex was also awarded the first place in the nomination “Oil-producing and petrochemical industry”, while the Oil and Gas Production Divisdion Aznakayevskneft was in the third place.

TATNEFT opened trading on the London Stock Exchange and held a meeting with international investors, timed to the 20th anniversary of the Company's listing on the London Stock Exchange.

2017. Start-up operations and pre-commissioning work began at the TANECO Complex naphtha hydrotreating unit. The expected duration of the program was 60 days.

The Canadian Patent Office registered a patent for the invention “Method of lining productive strata in case of thermal oil production and an expandable filter designed for its implementation” developed by TATNEFT Company professionals.

TATNEFT Company joined ten TOP leaders by the “Sustainable Development” and “Responsibility and Openness” vector ratings, annually calculated by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Professionals of TATNEFT Company again were the laureates of the All-Russian contest “Engineer of the Year”, held annually by the Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Public Organizations with the participation of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov and the Interregional Fund for the promotion of scientific and technical progress.

According to the review results of the best inventive, rationalization and patent-licensing work carried out by the Society of inventors and rationalizers of the Republic of Tatarstan, TATNEFT was recognized as the “Best Enterprise for Invention and Rationalization of 2016” and awarded the Big Cup.

TATNEFT filling station No. 268 of OOO TATNEFT-AZS-Zapad, located at the 16th km of Borovskoye Highway, Naro-Fominsk District, Moscow Region, was recognized as the Best Filling Station of the Year by the version of the “Sovremennaya AZS (Modern Filling Station)” magazine.

The Company started the production of new products — TATNEFT VMGZ-45 and VMGZ–55 oil grades at the synthetic oils factory of OOO TATNEFT-Nizhnekamskneftekhim-Oil.

Another environmental award was conferred to JSC TANECO. The Company was declared the winner in the nomination “For environmental responsibility” within the framework of the contest “Leaders of the Russian business: dynamics and responsibility - 2016”.

TATNEFT Company signed a four-sided agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Company also signed the List of environmental protection measures planned as part of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017.

Professionals of TATNEFT Company and JSC TANECO were named the winners of the All-Russian “New Idea” contest among the young employees of the fuel and energy complex enterprises.

TATNEFT won in the open contest of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the selection of organizations for the right to receive subsidies for the implementation of complex projects to create high-tech production.

The brand of TATNEFT Company ranked No. 10 in the ranking table of the most expensive brands in Russia by the version of Brand Finance.

The trade union organization of JSC TANECO took the second place in the contest “The best school of trade union activists in the Neftegazstroyprofsoyuzu of Russia”.

According to the results of the international contest “1C: Project of the Year”, two projects of TATNEFT Company scored a victory in corporate automation on the “1C: Enterprise 8” platform.

JSC TANECO was among the laureates of the contest “100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and environmental management”. The Company was awarded the Diploma and the gold medal of the contest, while Leonid Alekhin, the Company's General Director, was awarded the honorary badge “Ecologist of the Year - 2017” for achievements in the area of environmental management.

The Yaroslavl Region Government and the TATNEFT Company signed an Agreement of Intent for Cooperation.

TATNEFT Company and JSC REP Holding (Russian Power Engineering Holding Company) signed an agreement at the International Economic Forum, aimed at further development of a large-scale project for the construction of the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan).

TATNEFT was bestowed high awards according to the results of the international contest “Ecological Culture. Peace and harmony" and the All-Russian ecological subbotnik day" Green Spring - 2017".

JSC TANECO received the conclusion of the Privolzhsky Rostechnadzor Directorate on compliance of a number of Refining and Petrochemical Plant Complex facilities built in Nizhnekamsk with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation.
PJSC TATNEFT and JSC Schneider Electric signed an agreement of intent for cooperation.

Start-up and commissioning works began on the hydrogen production unit at the TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

The unit-type modular air-cooling vessels up to 16 MPa manufactured by the Bugulma Mechanical Plant of TATNEFT Company became the winner of the contest “100 best goods of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial Production Technological Products”.
The solid-steel cord design tyre Kama 385 / 65R 22.5 NF 202 manufactured by the Nizhnekamsk SSC tyre factory became the winner of the contest “Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial Technological Products”.

Tatneftegazpererabotka Division of TATNEFT Company became the first-degree student diploma holder with the product “Grade “A" propane fraction” and the second degree diploma holder with the product “Grade “A“ ethane fraction" in the nomination “Industrial Technological Products” of the “The Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” contest.

The TATNEFT Company’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant Company ranked the third among the best manufacturers of capacitive equipment in Russia.

TATNEFT again received three top awards of the International specialized exhibition “Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2017 ".

PJSC TATNEFT was included in FTSE4Good Emerging Index responsible investment index.

There was a ceremonial unveiling of a monument at TATNEFT Company devoted to well No. 29, which was the discoverer of the large Novo-Elkhovskoye oil field - the second-largest field of the Republic of Tatarstan.

TATNEFT became the winner again of the MediaTEK All-Russian contest of mass media, press services of the fuel and energy companies and the administrations.

TATNEFT Company was recognized as one of the best socially-oriented companies in the oil and gas industry in Russia and was awarded the special contest prize of the of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Technologies and equipment of TATNEFT were presented at the XXVth International Exhibition "Oil and Gas KIOGE-2017" in Almaty (Kazakhstan). The exhibition display of the Company was awarded the prize for the most innovative design.

TATNEFT - AZS Center became a laureate of the contest of the Government of the Russian Federation in the area of quality.

PJSC TATNEFT and Emerson company signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the development, optimization of crude oil and gas production, oil refining and petrochemistry.

JSC TANECO and OOO Chevron Lummus Global signed memorandums of intent.

The Kazan branch Filling station No. 8 of OOO TATNEFT-AZS Center ranked third in the first stage of the contest “Best service area facility” in the nomination “Best Multipurpose Complex”.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan No. UP-1014 dated November 16, 2017, a group of managers and professionals of PJSC TATNEFT was awarded the State Prize of Tatarstan in the area of science and technology for the work “Development and industrial commercial implementation of a set of technologies to increase crude oil recovery rates and crude oil recovery factor in the Republic of Tatarstan”.

The TATNEFT Company’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant became the winner of the 2017 Republican contest for the award of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan for quality.

TATNEFT, Gazprom Neft and Zarubezhneft signed a memorandum of cooperation in the development of competencies necessary for the implementation of super-complex projects for the development of carbonate reservoirs.

"Nizhnekamsk SSC Tyre Factory" became the winner of the 2017 contest for the award of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan for quality in the category "Production Systems".

The TANECO Complex processed a 50-millionth tonne of oil. The momentous figure was registered on December 11, 2017.
Projects of TATNEFT and TANECO NPiNHZ became the winners of the XIIIth Republican contest “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan” for 2017.

TATNEFT Company was once again recognized as the absolute winner of the Republican “Ecoleader” contest. The TANECO complex was awarded the second place in the nomination “Oil and gas industry”.

TATNEFT Company joined the Technical Association of European oil producers ATIEL (Association Technique de l’Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants).

Pneumatic tyre 235/55 R 17 Viatti Bosco A / T V-237 manufactured by the TATNEFT Company’s Nizhnekamskshina Factory of the petrochemical complex became the winner of the All-Russian contest “100 best goods of Russia” in the nomination “For success in import substitution”.

Managers of TATNEFT Company became laureates of the contest “Manager of the Year - 2017”.

2018. Products and services of the TATNEFT Group enterprises are again among the laureates and winners of the All-Russian contest “100 best goods of Russia”. The Engineering Center of PJSC TATNEFT was recognized as the laureate for the engineering development “Submersible electric motor with a high power factor” (PED PKM) in the nomination “Industrial and technological products”). The Engineering Center of the TATNEFT Company also became the winner of the contest in the category “Services” for the engineering development of the “Intellectual Resources Management System of the Edison+ Enterprise”.

TANECO, which is the TATNEFT’s Oil Refining Complex, received five awards for yielding competitive products with high operational and environmental performance.

Tyre manufacturing enterprises of TATNEFT were also among the winners.

On January 25, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, took part in a video conference at the ceremony of commissioning naphtha hydrotreatment and isomerization units at the TATNEFT’s TANECO Refinery Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

According to the results of the “Young innovator and inventor of the Republic of Tatarstan” contest young professionals of TATNEFT Company and its structural divisions were again recognized as the best.

TATNEFT joined the TOP leaders group by the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) index in the field of sustainable development - “Responsibility and Openness”.

Professionals of TATNEFT Company have again become laureates of the All-Russian “Engineer of the Year” contest.

N.U. Maganov, General Director of TATNEFT Company was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of Almetyevsk and Almetyevsk District".
The raffinate tower (position 2600с0001) intended for operation as part of an aromatic hydrocarbon production complex was lifted at the construction site of the JSC TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex.

TATNEFT joined the TOP leaders group by the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) index in the field of sustainable development - “Responsibility and Openness”.

TATNEFT-Nizhnekamskneftekhim-Oil produced the first commercial batches of polyalphaolefinic base oils (PJSC М-2, PJSC М-4, PJSC М-6, PJSC М-12) used for the production of commercial synthetic oils.

TATNEFT and Konica Minolta in Russia signed a Memorandum of Intent, which stipulated cooperation areas between companies.
JSC TANECO received the opinion of the Privolzhsky Rostechnadzor Directorate on compliance of the combined light naphtha isomerization unit and the naphtha splitter section with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation. The production of isomerizate, a high-octane component of motor gasoline with improved environmental properties, was started at the refinery complex.

The Regulatory Research Center of the TATNEFT Company’s Business Servicing Department became the winner of the All-Russian contest “100 Best Enterprises and Organizations of Russia - 2017” and was awarded diplomas in the nominations “Best Innovative Enterprise” and “Best Research and Development Enterprise”.

According to the review results of the best inventive, rationalization and patent-licensing work carried out by the Society of Inventors and Innovators of the Republic of Tatarstan. TATNEFT Company was recognized as the “Best Enterprise for Invention and Rationalization in 2017” and was awarded the Big Cup.

A lean production project “Reducing non-productive time on the EDGIQ MAXX steel cord cutting line”, which allowed increasing the production of this line by 26% was implemented at the Nizhnekamskshina factory of the TATNEFT Company’s tyre manufacturing complex.
The Tatar Geological Survey Company (TGRU), a structural division of TATNEFT Company, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the foundation and the 80th anniversary of foundingthe Geological Administration of the TASSR, which TGRU is the successor of.

The 81 millionth tyre was manufacture at the KAMA TYRES Truck Tyre Factory of the TATNEFT’s tyre manufacturing business. Its manufacture was devoted to the 40th anniversary of the enterprise foundation. The first cargo tyre for a heavy-duty URAL vehicles was manufactured on April 22, 1978.

The Company's management decided to consolidate the activities of existing charitable foundations “Gifted Children”, “Rukhiyat”, “Mercy” and “Tazalyk” into a single “Charity Foundation TATNEFT.

TATNEFT tyre manufacturing companies have united under the new corporate brand KAMA TYRES.

RAEX Rating Agency (Expert RA) confirmed TATNEFT's credit rating at ruAAA level with a stable outlook.

Another recognition was awarded to the products of JSC TANECO. The company was among the winners of the interregional contest "Best Goods and Services of the Volga Region - GEMMA-2017".

A large-scale project for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the preparatory workshop was completed at the Nizhnekamskshina Factory, within which there were three new Harburg Freudenberger lines were installed for the production of rubber compounds for manufacturing KAMA EURO and Viatti tyres. TATNEFT Company was acting as a fuel partner for the first Russian show of the Scania full range new generation equipment.

JSC TANECO and ChemTech (OOO RRT) are jointly implementing a project for creating a digital twin of the ELOU-AVT-7 (CDU/VDU) facility at the TATNEFT refinery complex.

The Business Service Center, which is TATNEFT Company's structural division, obtained the Quality Management System Compliance Certificate with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001-2015. They started the pilot operation of the anomalies early warning system at the ELOU-AVT-7 installation of the TATNEFT’s JSC TANECO Oil Refining Complex.

Operation of kerosene and diesel fuel hydrotreatment installations was started at the TATNEFT’s TANECO Refinery Complex.

TATNEFT’s KAMA TYRES, the Company’s tyre complex begun the production of KAMA PRO NU 404, which is a new generation of solid steel cord tyres.

TATNEFT Company joined the TOP-10 of the global industry ranking of The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) on value creation for shareholders.

The service company OOO “Sotzbytobsluzhivaniye Shinnik”, which is part of KAMA TYRES (TATNEFT Company’s tyre complex), was awarded an honorary diploma in the “Ecology and Civil Society” nomination of the Russian “National Ecological Award-2018” contest.

TATNEFT received awards from the International specialized exhibition Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2018 again.

Prikamneft Oil and Gas Production Division, which is a structural division of PJSC TATNEFT celebrated the 60th anniversary of its inception.