History of TATNEFT Group

History of TATNEFT Group

Concise History In Facts And Figures

The history of oil industry of Tatarstan officially begins in 1943, the time, when a commercial oil deposit was opened in Shugurovsky region. It marked beginning of the great oil deposits’ discoveries epoch in the Republic.



The chronicle of TATNEFT Company activity is recreated from books and brochures, State and party documents, newspaper and magazine articles, which were published during the last 60 years. It is at least as interesting to study the history of the oil industry origination in the Tatarstan area, which goes back to the remote past.

The end of the XVIIth century. The first records of oil shows and bituminous rocks refer to that period. It was the Military Department that first mentioned about the Kazan oil in 1637: “…43 poods (1600 lb) and 35 and a half grivnas of Kazan black oil”.

The XVIIIth century is characterized by the active search of surface oil and bituminous rock seepage, their description and use.

An article in “Vedomosti” newspaper: “News from Kazan. A lot of oil and copper ore was found on the Soku River; they smelted a lot of copper from the ore and expect to receive great profit to the Moscow State”.

1718. Gotlib Shober, Peter the Great’s physician-in-ordinary, made the first opinion about the Tatar oil.

1738. Miner Ya. D. Shakhanin reported to “The Cabinet of Her Empress’s Majesty Anna Ioannovna” about oil and saltpeter found near Tetyushi settlement.

1753. Master sergeant Nadyr Urazmetov submitted the first application for constructing an oil plant on the territory of his own summer residence: «We would like the Berg-Board to take and examine this black oil and permit us to construct an oil plant on the territory of our own summer residence…»

Attempts by Ya. Shakhanin, N. Urazmetov, his son Yu. Urazmetov, Mozyakov brothers and count Yaguzhinsky to find and use oil and bitumen on the banks of the Volga, Sheshma and Soka rivers were not successful.

1762. P. I. Rychkov, the first correspondent member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Science, made the first scientific description of the Volga region oil sources.

The second half of the XVIIIth century. Natural resources of the Volga Region were studied thoroughly. The Academy of Science organized expeditions. Fundamentals of the region geology were laid, the subsoil structure was studied; the experience of oil economy organization was accumulated.

1868. Ya. Malakiyenko, a landowner from Bugulma city, and his two sons made a lot for oil sources survey. They drilled two bore-holes near Nizhnekarmalskaya settlement and made a contract for oil sources in Sarabikulovo and Shugur villages. Malakiyenko produced the first 80 buckets of oil and produced rather good kerosene from it at his small oil plant.

The 1870s. Laslo Shandor, an American entrepreneur, drilled a number of bore-holes. He reported to the Mining Department: «All my searches were successful in the provinces of Kazan, Samara and Simbirsk. Rich inexhaustible underground basins of liquid oil were found in the valleys of the Soka and the Sheshma rivers north-east from Samara city as well as in Samarsky and Bugulminsky districts. Extended oil-stained lands were located near Shugur and Sarabikulovo settlements».

The end of the XIXth century. There was no oil inflow in any of the prospecting boreholes, drilled in the Volga Region for the reason of imperfect equipment, which couldn’t get deeper and penetrate the oil-bearing horizons, as they occurred at the depth of 600 meters and the deepest wells only reached 350 meters. Exploration drilling in the Volga Region and Tataria were stopped for a long time for the search of liquid oil in the Volga region was considered to have no future. That caused the decline of interest to the showings of oil in the Volga Region and Tatarstan.

The beginning of the XXth century.
The growing requirements of the developing industry made the state and entrepreneurs to resume oil prospecting in the Volga Region. It was recommended to recommence searches of oil on a higher scientific level. Attempts of borehole drilling by Yuzbashev, a petroleum producer from Baku, and Nobel Company were not successful. Despite the fact that commercial-value oil deposits were not found, a primary basis for was formed for cognition of oil geology and prospecting. By the way, the level of studies of the geological structure of Kazan province had been much higher than in other regions before the October Revolution.

1918. Kazan Council of National Economy, including the Fuel Department and Oil Section, was established. Later the Section was reorganized into the Regional (Province) Oil committee. During the first years after the Revolution, the Soviet government and V. I. Lenin paid close attention to oil prospect organizing. Great attention was paid to searches in eastern parts of the country – the Volga Region, the Urals and Siberia.

1918. After returning back to Russia from the USA academician I. M. Gubkin immediately began to work in the Central Oil Committee.

By July 1, 1919 all oil enterprises of the Kazan province had been nationalized. In 1920 about 50 oil companies and petroleum storage depots were under the jurisdiction of Kazan Oil District Committee.

1919. I. M. Gubkin took part in the expedition exhibition to the Volga Region, where he organized the work of geological prospecting crews. In September 1919 Presidium of the National Economy of the USSR discussed I. M. Gubkin’s report on Syukeyevo oil deposits and decided to organize prospecting in the Volga-Urals region, including Syukeyevo.

October 1919. I. M. Gubkin: «A great new oil region of global value can appear under favorable conditions of prospecting». Thirteen boreholes were drilled in Syukeyevo. Prospecting had been going on till 1923 with the lack of necessary equipment, qualified specialists and in conditions of starvation, but there was no commercial oil inflow and uncompleted drilling works were stopped in 1924. The Administration of the Volga Region prospecting was closed down.

1924. Mineral resources of the Volga region and Tataria were disregarded, and exploration drilling stopped.

The Central Committee of Communist Party of the USSR adopted a resolution on «Oil Industry» for urgent measures to be taken for substantial prospecting and searching new oil fields especially in the eastern part of the country. Oil prospecting in the Volga and Urals Region were intensified.

1938. Tataria was the least prospected region. Other parts of the Volga-Urals Region made a lot of progress, oil was produced in some of them.

The independent Geological Department of Tatar ASSR was established.

The resolution of the Committee of People’s Commissars and Central Committee of Communist Party of the USSR: «Development of new oil regions» was a turning point in oil-prospecting history of Tataria. In connection with the Kuibyshev hydro-electric station construction and flooding oil areas it was proposed to force prospecting on those territories. Many geological and oil prospecting organizations were invited to Tataria from neighboring regions.

March 1939. The XVIII Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR set a task to make a «Second Baku», a new oil base between the Volga River and the Urals.

1940. Shugurovskaya prospecting party was formed. All geological organizations on the territory of Tataria worked under the jurisdiction of the «Tatgeologorazvedka» Trust.

July 1943. The first commercial oil field was opened in Shugurovo. Well No 1 (with daily production rate of 20 tons) was drilled by a crew of a tool pusher G. Kh. Khamidullin.

1943-1946. The Aksubayevskoye, Bavlinskoye and some other fields were discovered.

1948. One of the biggest fields in the world, Romashkinskoye, was discovered. The beginning of the epoch of intensive prospecting – oil production from Devonian sandstones in Well No 3 (daily rate - 120 tons). Oil production totaled 422.3 thousand tons in the Republic.

1949. Fundamentally new principles of development of the Romashkinskoye field were set. It was proposed to operate the field using contour waterflooding.

First issues of the Company's newspaper «Neftyanik Tatarstana» were published.

By 1950 oil deposits with total commercial reserves of 430 mln tons had been discovered. In spite of the fact, that by early 1950s Tatarstan had the greatest oil reserves in the country, the oil production industry was poorly developed (100 thousand meters of rocks had been drilled and 41 wells had been constructed).

1950. «Tatneft» Amalgamation was established by the resolution of the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR and it incorporated «Bavlyneft», «Bugulmaneft» oil producing trusts, the «Tatburneft» drilling company, the «Tatneftepromstroy» construction and installation trust, and the «Tatnefteproject» design office.

The first mln tons of Tatar oil was produced.

1951. The Drilling Personnel School, which had been initially included into «Saratovneftegas» association earlier, was incorporated into «Tatneft».

1952. «Almetyevneft» oil-and-gas producing trust, «Almetyevburneft» drilling trust as well as «Tatneftegeophizica», «Tattekhsnabneft» and «Tatnefteprovodstroy» were incorporated into «Tatneft» Amalgamation.

1953. The first meeting of young oilmen of Tatarstan took place in January. Mass socialist emulation started. The foremost crews of tool pushers G. Z. Gaifullin, M. M. Gimazov, M. P. Grin', M. F. Nurgaleyev and M. M. Beloglazov broke records in drilling.

On November 3, 1953 Almetyevsk workmen’s settlement was given a city status by the Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

1954-1955. Oil producing trusts were reorganized to oilfield departments. Novaya Pismyanka workmen’s settlement became the city of Leninogorsk.

1956. Directives of the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR defined the tasks for the sixth five-year plan on new oil field development in the Tatar ASSR. The «TatNII» Tatar oil research institute was founded. The Advisory Center of the Moscow Oil-Industry Institute named after I. M. Gubkin was opened in Almetyevsk city. Later it was reorganized to the Tatar part-time faculty of the Moscow National Economy Institute, and then - to Almetyevsk Oil Industry Institute.
«Tatneft» produced 18 mln tons of oil. The amalgamation took the first place in the Soviet Union by the volume of oil produced.

1957. The first section of Minnibayevo Gas-and-Petrol Plant was put into operation.

1958. The Yelabuga consolidated oil field was organized.

1960. The main facilities of the «Druzhba» pipeline were located near Almetyevsk city.

1961. «Prikamneft» Oilfield Board was established. Oil Production Board «Bugulmaneft» was renamed into «Leninogorskneft» Oil Production Board.

1962. Waterflooding was used for the first time on Zelenogorsk area of the Romashkinskoye field (its oilfield application started in 1966). A group of «Tatneft» scientists and officials was awarded the Lenin Prize.

«Tatneftegaz» trust and «Yelkhovneft» Oil Production Board were established.

1964. «Irkenneft» and «Aktyubaneft» Oil Production Boards were founded.

1966. «Tatneft» Production Amalgamation was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1968. «Suleyevneft» and «Jalilneft» Oil Production Boards were established.

1969. «Yamashneft» Oil Production Board was organized.

1970. The highest level of annual oil production in the country – 100 mln tons, was achieved and maintained till the year of 1976.

1971. TATNEFT produced the first billion tons of oil. NGDU «Almetyevneft» was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1975. The highest level of annual oil production – 103.7 mln tons - was reached in the Republic.

1981. On October 2 TATNEFT Amalgamation produced the second billion tons of oil since the beginning of fields development in the Republic.

The 1980s. The Ministry of Oil Industry issued the order «Development of a number of fields in Tyumen Region by «Bashneft» and «Tatneft» Associations». The oilmen of Tatarstan made a great contribution to the development of oil fields in western Siberia.

August 1990. The first wide-scale ecological program of TATNEFT was worked up and successfully implemented.

The early 1990s are characterized by export policy strengthening. Oil industry workers asserted their rights to oil export with further use of currency proceeds to implement social programs of the Republic.

The External Trade Council of the amalgamation was formed, since January 1992 - the External Economic Company (EEC).

1992. Realization of one of the largest and most essential EEC contracts – the unique diagnostic center was built based on the project of the world-famous American surgeon Dr. Michael Debakey.

1993. The Republic of Tatarstan celebrated the 50th jubilee of the commencement of Tatar oil commercial development. The EEC signed a record number of contracts - 110 for a total sum of 60.41 mln dollars.

February 1994. Tatarstan and Russia signed a treaty on delimitation of the spheres of interest and mutual delegating of powers. Interests of Tatarstan and Russia related to the oil production were defined by special agreements

1994. «Tatneft» Amalgamation was reorganized into a joint stock company.

1995. TATNEFT stabilized its level of oil production. It was the first time since 1966 when the increase of oil reserves exceeded the annual output in the Republic. Kichuy Refinery of estimated power 400,000 tons of oil per year was constructed.

1994-1996. TATNEFT got several awards of international financial institutes, funds and academies.

December 1996 – March 1998. OAO (JSC) TATNEFT became a pioneer among the Russian oil companies in introduction of its shares to the world markets of long-term capital.

1998. 50 years since the beginning of Romashkinskoye field development. By the decision of OAO (JSC) TATNEFT Board of Directors the construction of Nizhnekamsk Refinery was considered to be a strategic line of activity of the company.

The end of the XX century. JSC TATNEFT was formed as a vertically integrated holding company. It bought considerable blocks of shares of petrochemical enterprises of Tatarstan. The Nizhnekamsk Refinery and a network of filling petrol stations were being constructed quickly. TATNEFT came into oil markets of several countries, showing its technical and technological power, and used opportunities to increase its reserves and enhance production activity.

JSC TATNEFT got into contacts with officials of the oil companies of Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Mongolia, Jordan, China, Egypt, and Italy. The KalmTatneft Joint Venture was founded in Kalmykia for exploration and development of oil fields. The volumes of exploration and production drilling increased almost twofold.

2000. The fiftieth anniversary since JSC TATNEFT foundation. The 2,700,000,000th ton of oil was produced from the fields of the Republic of Tatarstan. The JSC TATNEFT Youth organization was established.
2001. TATNEFT participated in the IV International Show of Industrial Property «Archimedes» in Moscow and gained the victory (three golden and one silver medals).

The 500-mlnth ton of oil was produced by NGDU «Jalilneft».

TATNEFT was acknowledged as the best exporter of Russia in 2000.

Mountaineers from Almetyevsk city hoisted TATNEFT flag on Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe.

2002. The base complex of the Nizhnekamsk Refinery was put into operation.

The company broke the record in production and sales of Nizhnekamsk tires. In October OAO «Nizhnekamskshina» produced 1,013,000 tires per month for the first time during the last ten years. The same number of tires was sold by KAMA Trade Firm by the results of the month.

The management structure of TATNEFT was optimized with establishment of gas (TatNefteGazpererabotka Department) as well as petrochemical (TatNeft – NefteKhim) sections.
TATNEFT participated in financing the construction of a bridge across the Kama River.
TATNEFT's victory in All-Russia Contest «1000 best Companies of Russia».

Year 2003. The year witnessed TATNEFT's reconstructing and building new social facilities in the city of Almetyevsk at unprecedented paces: a horse racetrack, Maidan, a cascade of ponds, an ambulance station, a fluorography facility, a boarding school, schools No.10 and No. 16, medical treatment facilities for children.
Celebrations were held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Tatarstan oil and the 50th anniversary of the city of Almetyevsk.

Participation in the last pre-war Iraqi exhibition in Baghdad «Iraq Oil Show-2003», the International «Oil and Gas-2003» Exhibition in Moscow, in the Vth International Conference of the Oil and Gas Chemistry. The VIIth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Geoinformatics in the Oil and Gas Industry» was held at the premises of TatNIPIneft Research Institute in November. The IVth Conference of the Young Workers of JSC TATNEFT was held in December.

Preferred shares of JSC TATNEFT were included into the Listing «A2» Category of the RTS trading system. The International rating agency Fitch raised the rating of Tatneft liabilities from B- to B. The Standard & Poor's Agency raised the credit rating of the Company.

The 30th anniversary of JSC Nizhnekamskshina, the largest enterprise of OOO Tatneft-Neftekhim. Nizhnekamskshina was acknowledged to be the most dynamically developing exporter in Russia in 2002. Five models of OAO Nizhnekamskshina tires were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the VIth International specialized exhibition.

Year 2004 – the year of awards. Six awards were presented to the specialists of TATNEFT at the «Engineer of the Year» Contest. The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Administration of Kazan awarded Tatneft with Diploma «For contributions into the development of domestic tourism» based on the results of the «Tourism. Recreation. Sports-2004» Exhibition. «Neftyanik Tatarstana» (Oilman of Tatarstan) newspaper won the prestigious all-Russian journalists' contest of «PE-GAS-2003», and it was acknowledged as the best regional corporate newspaper at the all-Russian Forum of the corporate media. Following the decision of the Supreme Council of the «Russian Brand» the golden Sign of Quality was awarded to the network of filling stations operated by ZAO Tatneft-Moscow. In August Tatneft was awarded a Diploma of the «Best exporter of the Republic of Tatarstan», as well as the 1st place Diploma for the best arrangement of invention, rationalization and patent/licensing activity among industrial enterprises.

A new company was established in Tatarstan: TATNEFT, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Svyazinvestneftekhim and the South Korean LG Company established JSC Tatar-Korean Petrochemical Company (TKNK).

Extensive activities were launched in the social sphere. JSC Aznakay Kiemnere Branch was open in Shugurovo to address the problems of unemployment. Gifted Children Foundation was established in March. Tatneft started operation of the European standard ski mountaineering base in December.

Year 2005. TATNEFT was in the first dozen of 50 leading companies of Russia. The 2005 Russia 50 rating was arranged based on the standards of the famous Fortune 500 list and it was published for the first time in the «Big Business» magazine. TATNEFT was named the «Best Company in the area of invention, rationalization and patent/licensing» by the results of the annual contest for the arrangement of inventive, rationalization and patent/licensing activity.»

The idea of the multilateral wells drilling was implemented. The wellbores in well No. 8249 were branched horizontally by the azimuth as well as by the productive layers of the pay thickness providing for improved coverage of productive horizons. OOO Tatneft-Burenye (Drilling) drilled on its own the first horizontal well with application of the underbalanced drilling technology. The same year TATNEFT drilled the first wildcat in Orenburg District. NGDU Dzhalilneft completed drilling of downhole branched splitters in deposit No.12.

A new Administration for Geological Exploration and Development of Hydrocarbons in new territories was established. ZAO Nizhnekamsk Refinery was established.

TATNEFT and Sibneft won the battle: the controlling stake in the Moscow Oil Refinery had been transferred to the alliance of the two companies.

Year 2006. NGDU Aznakaevskneft acquired a new leader - Razif Galimov. OOO Tatneft-Energoservis celebrated its 15th anniversary. NGDU Almetyevneft introduced the technology of co-mingled injection.

TATNEFT began cooperation with AvtoVAZ in such areas as supply of Tatneft petrochemical complex products to AvtoVAZ, namely, synthetic motor oils and high-quality motor gasoline, as well as KAMA EURO tires manufactured under European technologies by the Nizhnekamsk tire factory controlled by TATNEFT.

Drillers of TATNEFT drilled a unique U-shaped horizontal well exiting to the surface at Ashalchinskoe bituminous field with application of a conventional drilling rig BU-75 in May.

JSC TATNEFT received compliance certificates with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999 in August.

Initial 100 tons of bituminous oil were produced.

TATNEFT sale of technology earnings exceeded one billion rubles for the first time.

2007. Production of bituminous oil from the Ashalchinskoye natural bitumen field with the application of SAGD technology by TATNEFT Company exceeded 1000 tons in the first days of 2007.

A large-scale celebration of production of the 3rd billion ton of Tatar oil was held in Almetyevsk.

JSC Nizhnekamskshina reached a record-breaking production level: the three hundred mlnth «Kama» tire came off the conveyor belt on July, 22.

The Company had won many awards. TATNEFT became a winner of the VIth All-Russia contest «Russian organization of high social efficiency» in nomination «Wages and welfare payments». It is for the forth time that TATNEFT Company was awarded the title «Best enterprise on invention and rationalization in the Republic of Tatarstan» in 2006. The General Director of JSC TATNEFT Shafagat Takhautdinov became a winner of the premium «Golden ROSING-2006», awarded annually for outstanding service in the development of the Russian oil and gas industry. In March TATNEFT became a laureate of the All-Russia Contest «100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and ecological management », and it was awarded a diploma and a golden medal of «European quality».

Ak Bars hockey team ranking No.1 in the Russian Super league Championship crushed HPK Finnish team scoring 6:0 in the final game in St. Petersburg.

In August the team of mountaineering oilmen ascended Mont Blanc (4,810 m), the highest peak in Western Europe.

2008. The program came into effect to improve the efficiency of production management and strengthening the financial and economic condition of JSC TATNEFT for the period to 2015.

Non-core activities were withdrawn from JSC TATNEFT, management of oil service companies was efficiently reorganized and the institution of management companies was formed by the activity segments as part of the Compamy’s restructuring.

JSC TATNEFT was included into the Platts Top 250 global rating of the most effective energy companies.

JSC TATNEFT and GK "Turkmenneft" signed a protocol on cooperation in the oil and gas industry in the territory of Turkmenistan. The Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Government of the Samara region and JSC TATNEFT.

The corner stone was laid into the foundation of the plant for the production glass fiber and glass fiber based products at the "Alabuga" free economic zone (SEZ).

2009. JSC TATNEFT reaffirmed the highest environmental rating becoming the third year consecutive winner of one of the the most prestigious environmental contests in the country "One hundred best companies in Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management". The contest highest award - badge of honor "Environmentalist of the Year" was conferred to Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of the Company.

A unique "DRECO 2000" slant rig started operation at Ashalchinskoye field. Nizhnekamsk Solid Steel Cord Tires factory was commissioned in October. The first commissioning stage of the the plant for the production of glass fiber and glass fiber based products at the "Alabuga" free economic zone (SEZ) was completed.

The construction of the oil refining and petrochemical plants complex in Nizhnekamsk was continued. More than 100 million rubles were daily assimilated at the construction site. Laying of a trunk oil pipeline from "Kaleykino" pumping station to the refinery under construction was completed. The work has started on the reconstuction of the "Nizhnekamsk - Almetyevsk - Kstovo" main product pipeline.

Hockey club "Ak Bars" was a three-time champion of Russia and the first winner of the Gagarin Cup. JSC TATNEFT received an encouraging Letter of thanks of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan for the worthy contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Tatarstan and the winning of the hockey club "Ak Bars" team in the Russian Championshp of 2008-2009 season.
Revaluation of probablehydrocarbo reserves in Tatarstan resulted in the stock volume reaching 1.47 billion tons with the increase amounting to about 0.5 billion tons.

2010. TATNEFT received the trademark "Leader-2010" of the "Archimedes-2010" International Salon of Industrial Property. The Company was awarded the Grand Prix for the best exhibit in the nomination "Enhanced oil recovery” at the International Specialized Exhibition "Oil. Gas/Petrochemistry - 2010". TATNEFT was awarded a Diploma "Pride of Tatarstan" for implementing the project of the plant for the production of glass fiber and glass fiber based products. Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of JSC TATNEFT was awarded the honorary sign "Best leader in environmental and industrial safety" of the All-Russian contest "100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management".

In 2010, for the first time in its history, TATNEFT has started commercial oil production abroad - in Syria. The Company produced the first million tons of oil from the licensed fields outside the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation since the beginning of their development.

A significant event was test products obtaining in the mode of comprehensive testing the Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

2010 witnessed the construction completion of the dry stripped gas deep processing installation, which allowed increasing the level of extracting the ethane fraction from associated petroleum gas. Serial production of new truck tires under the Continental technology was started at the Solid Steel Cord Tires factory in Nizhnekamsk. A significant step was the start of a new business: generation of heat and electricity. An electronic marketplace for purchasing material and technical resources was put into operation. The "Intelligent field" project was implemented within the area of one oil field being a testing ground for the advanced technological solutions at all stages of the production process. The German-Russian joint venture for the production of glass fiber started operaton at the territory of the "Alabuga" special economic zone, which provided jobs for more than 400 persons. Implementation of a new ten-year "Resource saving" program was started at TATNEFT.

2011. There was a Department for implementing the construction project of the combined hydrocracking installation established at PJSC TATNEFT in March. November 1 witnessed completion of the equipment comprehensive testing of the First Start-Up Complex. The opinion of Rostekhnadzor was received on November 3 on the compliance of the First Phase of the TANECO optimized Start-Up Complex with the requirements of the technical regulations, different pieces of legislation and design documentation. On November 3, the Office of Construction and Architecture of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district executive committee of the Republic of Tatarstan granted a permit for commissioning of the First Start-Up Complex facilities. The decree of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated November 29 included the JSC TANECO’s refinery among the operating enterprises of Russia. The license of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) for the operation of explosive and fire hazardous production facilities was received on December 2.

TATNEFT won eight gold, three silver and three bronze medals, Cup and Diploma "For the high level of invention in the Republic of Tatarstan" at the XIVth "Archimedes-2011" Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies.

The Company was awarded a diploma of the XIth Moscow International "Oil and Gas" Exhibition for high professionalism and relevance of the exposition presented.

JSC TATNEFT was acknowledged a leader in environmental transparency among the enterprises of the Russian Federation in the field of oil production in the rating survey arranged by the international group and was awarded an honorary diploma "Environmental Leader in Russia - 2011". According to the "Leaders of the Economy-2011” rating results JSC TATNEFT was ranking the 4th among the domestic companies engaged in crude oil and associated gas production.

Sh. Takhautdinov, General Director of PJSC TATNEFT, was awarded the Order "For Merits to Fatherland", IIIrd Class, and received the "Official Letter of Gratitude of the RT President".

In February 2011, the Company opened a branch office in Turkmenistan to provide services aimed at improving oil recovery from the existing well stock and further use of the crude oil potential at Goturdepe oil field.

Initial 100 tonnes of high-viscosity oil were produced at Ashalchinskoye field in November.

Deep drilling was started to 7 elevations in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2011, as well as 1 structure in the Samara region and 1 structure in the Orenburg region. 13 structures were prepared for deep drilling in the Republic of Tatarstan. 2 new fields were discovered, including: 1 field in the Orenburg region, and 1 field in the Nenets Autonomous District.

2012. The first million tonnes of JSC TANECO products were delivered to the main oil products pipelines of JSC “Sredne-Volzhsky Transnefteprodukt" on May, 29. June 22 witnessed the opening ceremony of "Predkombinatskaya" station, which is an important link in the system of the off-site railway tracks of the Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk. June - August witnessed the delivery and installation of large-scale equipment at the hydrocracking unit. Production of granulated sulfur began on August 17. A.V. Novak, Russian Federation Minister of Energy, and R.N. Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan made a working visit to the site on August 21. In November, the Company received the opinions on the compliance with the technical regulations (rules and norms), different pieces of legislation and design documentation for 102 titles of the JSC TANECO’s Start-Up Complex 1A1. The Office of Construction and Architecture of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district Executive Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan granted a permit for commissioning the facilities of the optimized Start-Up Complex. On December 28, R.N. Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Sh.F. Takhautdinov, General Director of JSC TATNEFT, applied design voltage to the process facilities of the combined hydrocracking unit.

JSC TATNEFT was named the best Eastern European Company in crude oil refining and sales in 2012.

Wells workover operations started as part of the service contract between JSC TATNEFT and State Concern Turkmennebit in Turkmenistan.

There was an opening ceremony of the first Working Hockey League championship among the employees of the TATNEFT Group of Companies.

TATNEFT's Tire Manufacturing Complex started serial production of new KAMA EURO 519 passenger car tires sizes: 175/70 R14 and 185/60 R14 and KAMA NF 202 truck tires of size 215.75 R17,5.

1000th dual completion system (DCS) was put into operation at JSC TATNEFT. The equipment was installed at the well of NGDU "Almetyevneft".

A new technology for tubing rehabilitation using the lining method was applied at the Bugulma Mechanical Plant.

TATNEFT and "AvtoVAZ" signed a strategic partnership agreement providing for supply of the JSC "Nizhnekamskshina" tires to the Togliatti Auto Manufacturing Works for 2012-2014.

JSC TATNEFT received the 5,000th invention patent.

A program of cooperation in trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Tatarstan for 2012-2014 was signed in Kazan.

A new version of the Policy in industrial safety, health and environment was approved at JSC TATNEFT.

JSC TATNEFT was visited by a large group of specialists of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan for practical acquaintance with the system of production and environmental monitoring of water bodies in the territory of the Company’s operations.

The innovation projects of JSC TATNEFT in the field of e-learning - "Electronic Corporate University" (ECU) and “Students' Labor Exchange", were highly praised at the Silicon Valley of the United States.

The Fitch Ratings agency announced that it had upgraded the long-term issuer default rating of JSC TATNEFT n.a. V.D. Shashin to the level "BB+", outlook – “stable”.

The first shipment of JSC TANECO’s synthetic oil plant products for JSC "AvtoVAZ" was made in June. 65 tonnes of synthetic gear oil "Tatneft Translux" was sent to the customer.

The Moody's Investor Services rating agency announced upgrading of the corporate group and probability of default ratings of JSC TATNEFT n.a. V.D. Shashin to the level «Ba1", outlook – “stable”.

There was a recertification audit of JSC TATNEFT held. The Company confirmed its compliance with the international requirements of the integrated management system of industrial safety, occupational health and environment ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.

A new model of tires with universal tread pattern KAMA NU-301 of size 275/70 R22 for city buses was put into mass production at the Nizhnekamsk SSC Tire Factory.

A scientific and technical fair of ideas and proposals of the TATNEFT Group of Companies was held, which had been organized jointly with the Scientific and Technical Society of oil and gas engineers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

An Agreement was signed on creation and deployment of the "Tatneft Scientific and Technical Center" at the "Skolkovo" technopark.

Financing of the TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex construction project with participation of the Danish (EKF) and Italian (SACE) expert and credit agencies was called “Deal of the year” in the structured and trade financing.

JSC TATNEFT twice joined the TOP-10 companies with the highest level of information transparency in the information openness rating of Russian companies in the Fuel and Energy Complex.

2013. In February, the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex received certificates for compliance with the requirements of the international integrated management system standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. In August, commissioning tests of water block No. 2 were completed, which will cool, clean and re-circulate the water to the processing facilities of the combined hydrocracking installation. In September, they started the site preparatory works for construction of the projected naphtha, kerosene and diesel fuel hydrotreating units, as well as a delayed coking unit. Engineering and geological surveys were performed at the site of the delayed coking unit, kerosene and diesel fuel hydrotreaters. On November 14, JSC TANECO was awarded the honorable title "Best environmentally responsible company in the region". The awarding was part of the All-Russian Industrial and Environmental Forum "RosPromEco 2013". On November 15, the hydrogen production plant was put into operation in the mode of comprehensive testing. In November, construction and installation works were completed at the site of the combined hydrocracking unit. December witnessed completion of the preparatory works for commissioning of the combined hydrocracking installation.

The tire manufacturing factories of the JSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex successfully passed a supervisory audit for compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 requirements.

The momentous 13 millionth tire rolled off the assembly line of JSC "Nizhnekamskshina".

The TATNEFT Scientific and Technical Center was assigned the status of the project participant for establishment and operation of the innovation center "Skolkovo".

Nizhnekamsk SSC Tire Factory brought to the market two new models of solid steel cord tires for long-haul tractors and buses.

JSC TATNEFT professionals became laureates of the XIIth All-Russian Contest "Engineer of the Year".

200,000th tonne of high-viscosity oil (HVO) was produced at Ashalchinskoye oil field.

Delivery of the millionth KAMA EURO tire was made to the conveyor line of the Volkswagen Group factory in Kaluga.

NGDU “Almetyevneft” of JSC TATNEFT produced the 600 millionth tonne of crude oil.

The State Council Representatives of the Committee on Ecology, Environment and Agrarian Issues of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the facilities of the Company. The first ever multi-interval standardized acid fracturing in the horizontal wellbore of well No. 315 in Yaurkinsky oil field was completed by the Company.

A supervisory audit of the integrated management system of industrial safety, occupational health and environment for the compliance with international standards ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 was completed at JSC TATNEFT.

The first professional center of the Tyre & Service network was opened in Tatarstan.

An environmental inspection audit was successfully completed at the Nizhnekamsk Truck Tires Factory. The environmental management system was acknowledged to conform to the requirements of GOST R ISO 14001-2007.

The 300,000th tonne of high-viscosity oil (HVO) was produced in November at Ashalchinskoye field since the beginning of the deposit development.

JSC TATNEFT participated in the XVIIIth International Specialized Exhibition "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2013".

TATNEFT Brand was named among the TOP-10 Russian brands in the ranking of the INTERBRAND International Agency in 2013.

The leaders of JSC TATNEFT were included into the list of the best managers of Russia in the XIVth annual ranking "Top - 1000 Russian Managers".

JSC TATNEFT was a winner of the "Leader of the competitive purchases-2013" award.

JSC TATNEFT was awarded a diploma and a commemorative token in the nomination "The best system of working with suppliers" at the second annual conference "Corporate procurements."

JSC TANECO was awarded the honorary title of the Environmentally Responsible Company of the region in the All-Russian contest "The best eco-responsible company in the region."

2014. TATNEFT maintained one of the highest MTBF rates among the large enterprises of the Russian oil industry. The total meantime before failure of wells (MTBF) amounted to 1 198 days at JSC TATNEFT in 2013.

TATNEFT was for the eleventh time in a row awarded the honorary title "Best enterprise in invention and rationalization in 2013" for its high performance in the innovation activities and received the big cup and diploma of the Tatarstan Republic Council of the Society of Inventors and Innovators.

JSC TATNEFT professionals were named the winners of the XIVth All-Russian Contest "Engineer of the Year 2013".

"Kama-Kazakhstan" Trading House opened the largest in this country automated tire logistics center for the sale and servicing of the tires manufactured by the Nizhnekamsk tire complex of TATNEFT in the Special Economic Zone of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana.

March 24 witnessed the Volga Department of Rostekhnadzor issuing the opinion to JSC TANECO on the compliance with the technical regulations and design documentation of a number of the constructed facilities of Stage 1B of the Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

JSC TATNEFT participated in the XVIIth Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies "Archimedes-2014". The Company’s engineering developments received 34 awards: 8 gold, 17 silver and 9 bronze medals.

JSC TATNEFT opened the Tyre & Service center in Izhevsk (Udmurtia).

400 thousand tonnes of high-viscosity oil were produced at Ashalchinskoye oil field.

The truck loading system at JSC TANECO was transferred from a comprehensive testing mode to commercial operation.

The JSC TATNEFT’s Tire Manufacturing Complex presented its products at the international automotive industry exhibition “Automechanika Dubai” 2014 in Dubai (UAE).

The shares of JSC TATNEFT were included in the quotation list of the First (highest) level of listing at the Moscow Stock Exchange.

The Fitch Ratings agency upgraded the long-term rating of the probability default of the issuer (IDR) of JSC TATNEFT n.a. V.D. Shashin to the level "BBB-", outlook - "stable".

JSC TATNEFT was awarded prestigious nationwide awards: the Company and its General Director Nail Maganov were awarded two diplomas of the National Environmental Award for 2014.

Bench tests of the Euro-5 diesel fuel produced at the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex were successfully completed.

KAMA EURO-236 tires manufactured by the "Nizhnekamskshina" factory were selected for the original assembly of the popular LADA Largus car (all-purpose high-capacity station wagon based on B0 Renault-Nissan Alliance platform).

Compliance certificates with the corporate quality management system were granted to the Tire Complex enterprises of JSC TATNEFT in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISOTS 16949.

A supervisory audit of the integrated management system of industrial safety, occupational health and the environment for compliance with international standards ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 was successfully completed at JSC TATNEFT.

Experimental-industrial batches of fuel (jet fuel) for jet engines of TS-1, RT and Jet-A1 brands were produced at the TANECO’s combined hydrocracking installation.

According to the tests conducted by the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, gasoline Regular 92 (AI-92-K5), produced by the Elkhovsky oil refining plant (ENPU) of NGDU "Elkhovneft", was among the five best in terms of the combustion heat.

TATNEFT received a UK Patent GB N.2496954 for the invention "V-deflector for sidetracking from the wellbore".

There was the IX-th economic summit of the Company’s retail network enterprises held at JSC TATNEFT on implementation of lean manufacturing techniques and tools.

The coke oven drums, manufactured by JSC "Volgogradneftemash", were installed at the TANECO Complex delayed coker.

Marangoni SpA and the TATNEFT Group of Companies decided to establish a joint venture in Russia to restore solid metal cord truck tires. The joint venture will be located in Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

A delegation of Libyan National Oil Company (NOC) paid a working visit to JSC TATNEFT.

The tire products of the JSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex were again among the winners of the "100 best goods of Russia" contest.

The opening ceremony of the combined hydrocracking installation of the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex was held in Nizhnekamsk with participation of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

The inspection audit of the environmental management system with confirmation of the international IQNet certificate validation was successfully completed at JSC “Nizhnekamskshina" of the JSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex.

JSC TATNEFT received German patent DE No. 10 2009 039 590 for the invention "Hydrogen sulfide removal unit for gas purification".

Nizhnekamsk Truck Tires Factory of the JSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex successfully passed an inspection audit for the environmental management system and obtained an international certificate.

JSC TATNEFT was for the eleventh time announced the overall winner of the Republican "ECOleader" contest.

TATNEFT Company was the winner of the nationwide campaign "Patron of the Year".

2015. TATNEFT Company was declared the winner of a nationwide campaign "Patron of the Year". Awarding of the contest winners was held in Moscow as part of the cultural forum of the Russian regions "Culture is a strategic resource for regional development". Vladimir Medynsky, Culture Minister of the Russian Federation, presented the winner's diploma to TATNEFT Company.

TATNEFT won the contest for the title of "Philanthropist of the Year". The memorable diploma was presented to Nail Maganov, the Company’s General Director, by Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

TATNEFT was acknowledged as "The best enterprise of invention and rationalization in the Republic of Tatarstan".

TATNEFT Company traditionally presented one of the most significant exposures at the annual international exhibition "Energy. Resource Efficiency". Two engineering developments of the oil Company were awarded the first degree diplomas.

Development of the JSC TATNEFT’s corporate social network – CSN was launched.

Bugulma Mechanical Plant of PJSC TATNEFT won the Inter-regional specialized exhibition "Gas. Oil. New technologies for Extreme North", held in Novy Urengoy.

JSC TATNEFT was visited by a delegation of the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq, headed by Sirvanom Barzani, Board Chairman of the Korek group.

JSC TATNEFT successfully completed a construction project for the section of the pressure pipeline DSP "Yamurzino" - Bondyuzhskoe UPS of NGDU "Prikamneft" with an underwater crossing of the Izh River.

An agreement was signed between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Natural Resources to establish a testing range for introduction of new search, exploration, development and production technologies for hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves.

Installation of the large-scale equipment: the platforming cascade reactor, manufactured by Walter Tosto S.p.A., was completed at the TANECO Petrochemical Complex.

TatNIPIneft of JSC TATNEFT received a new patent for the drive of a downhole pumping unit.

A delegation of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" ("Turkmenoil") visited TATNEFT.

The exposition of the "Normandie-Niemen" aviation regiment in the Aviation and Space Museum at Le Bourget was opened with the financial support of PJSC TATNEFT.

The "hot line" of PJSC TATNEFT was put into operation.

Participation of PJSC TATNEFT was distinguished in two major projects of the non-governmental environmental fund named after V.I. Vernadsky. According to the results of the All-Russian ecological subbotnik "Green Spring-2015" the Company was awarded in the nomination "For a special contribution to the improvement of the environment and environmental education", and the corporate project of TATNEFT, namely a series of cartoon movies "Adventures of Neftyasha and her friends” was the winner of the International Contest "Ecological culture. Peace and Conciliation".

The representatives of "KazMunaiGas" National Company visited JSC TATNEFT. The main topic of the meeting was the experience of implementing the HR policy of TATNEFT Company.

TATNEFT participated in the All-Russian forum "Health Resort-2015" in Moscow. The Company’s social facilities were recognized as the best and they were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas.

The Medical Center of PJSC TATNEFT and the city of Almetyevsk celebrated its 60th anniversary.

The professionals of the Medical Center of PJSC TATNEFT and the city of Almetyevsk received awards in the nomination "unique case" of the Republican contest "Doctor of the year -Ak chechekler”.

The products and services of the TATNEFT Group of Companies became the winners of the contest "Best goods and services of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Winner diplomas in the category "Technical and industrial goods" were awarded to:

- JSC TANECO: for EURO-5 diesel fuel;
- OOO "Nizhnekamsk SSC Tire Factory": for pneumatic tires 315/70 R 22,5 NR 202 and 315/70 R 22,5 NF 202;
- JSC “Nizhnekamskshina: for KAMA EURO-236 tires of sizes 185/60 R 15 and 185/65 R 15;
- Bugulma Mechanical Plant of JSC TATNEFT: for steam generator CO 2200 (1400) IU-4.0-M*/ 20G-7-T-6-U-I.

The Ist degree diploma was awarded to NGDU "Elkhovneft" for Regular-92 lead-free gasoline and the EURO class 2 diesel fuel; the IInd degree diploma was awarded for benzene containing fraction.

Also, the contest diplomas in the nomination "Services" were awarded to Medsanchast (Medical Center) of JSC TATNEFT and the city of Almetyevsk, "YAN" sanatorium, "YAN" ski resort, "Lifestyle” fitness center of NGDU "Yamashneft" and to the children's health camp "Solnechny" of NGDU "Elkhovneft".

Bugulma Mechanical Plant of JSC TATNEFT successfully passed the recertification audit of the quality management system (QMS) for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011. The Plant obtained a Quality Management System certificate valid for three years.

There was a new corporate competition launched for the title of "The best drilling team for construction of wells in the high viscosity oil fields".

Construction of the associated petroleum gas treatment plant was completed at the Irgiz field of OOO "Tatneft-Samara".

"Tatneft-AZS Center" was recognized as the official fuel supplier of the XVIth FINA World Aquatic Championship.

Valery Pak, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsurface Use, paid a working visit to PJSC TATNEFT.

NGDU "Leninogorskneft" celebrated its 70th anniversary.

TATNEFT Company successfully completed the first stage of OOO “Nizhnekamsk CHP" modernization.

TATNEFT Company received five top awards as a result of the contest in the frame of the XXIInd International Exhibition "Oil, gas. Petrochemicals - 2015" for the best exhibit, project or solution.

A capsule was laid to commemorate the construction of a 50-meter "Miras" swimming pool, which was planned for 2016-2017. A new kindergarten "Friendship" for 260 kids was opened.

A delegation from Skolkovo visited TATNEFT as part of a business trip. The purpose of the meeting was the cooperation expansion of the "Skolkovo" Fund and PJSC TATNEFT. There was a building of the Company’s Scientific and Technical Center being erected at "Skolkovo".

100,000 tonnes of sulfur were produced at the TANECO Complex.

TATNEFT Company arranged the contest of artists dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

A square was opened in the "Yashlek" district with the financial support of PJSC TATNEFT.

Azat Yagafarov, Deputy General Director of PJSC TATNEFT, was named among the top three business leaders by the results of the XVI annual rating "TOP-1000 Russian Managers” among the enterprises of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia.

The twentieth annual review contest "For maintaining the aesthetic condition of the springs equipped with necessary facilities and water quality improvement" among the structural divisions, subsidiaries and service companies was arranged at PJSC TATNEFT.

The Trade Union organization of PJSC TATNEFT celebrated its 30th anniversary.

Loading of the first fuel shipment for jet engines of TS-1 brand was made at the TANECO’s loading facilities.

There was an International scientific and practical conference "Development of raw hydrocarbons deep conversion in the Russian Federation" held at TATNEFT Company timed to the 10th anniversary of TANECO.

Farid Abdulganiyev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, visited the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

PJSC TATNEFT presented its own technologies and equipment at the XXIIIrd International exhibition "Oil and Gas KIOGE-2015” (Almaty City).

The TANECO Complex became the winner of the "Russian Quality Leader" contest.

The tire products of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex were once again named the winners of the "100 best goods of Russia" contest.

PJSC TATNEFT won the first All-Russian "MediaTEK" contest of media, press-services of fuel and energy companies and regional administrations.

Victor Melnikov, TATNEFT’s Worker and sports veteran, became a European champion in racing for 100, 200 and 400 meters.

Elena Sakhibgaraeva, JSC TANECO’s worker, was a winner of the WorldSkills working professions’ championship.

PJSC TATNEFT started a new environmental campaign for collection of used household batteries.

The youth organization of PJSC TATNEFT celebrated its 15th anniversary.

The virtual Reception of the PJSC TATNEFT’s General Director started its work.

JSC "Almetyevsk heating networks" completed a large scale Company’s project having put the third mini-CHP into operation.

The 3,000,000th tire rolled off the assembly conveyor of the "Nizhnekamsk SSC Tire Factory".

2016. The PJSC TATNEFT’s project "Creating the technology for hydroconversion of heavy oil feedstock for obtaining high-quality fuels, oils and feedstock for petrochemical processes" was granted a national project status.

The PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant received a certificate from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the “ASME” brand stamp with the “U” designation.

Professionals of PJSC TATNEFT again became winners of the XVIth All-Russian Contest "Engineer of the Year", held annually by the Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Public Organizations with the participation of the Academy of Engineering Sciences n.a. A.M. Prokhorov and the Interregional Fund for the promotion of scientific and technical progress.

The Nizhnekamskshina factory of the petrochemical complex of PJSC TATNEFT has become the winner of the 11th All-Russian Contest “The Leader of Russia's Environmental Protection Activities”.

Installation of an extractive distillation column at the TANECO Complex. The installation of this large-tonnage equipment was the next stage in the construction of a complex for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons.

PJSC TATNEFT produced 1 million tonnes of high–viscosity oil (HVO) from the Ashalchinskoye field since the start of development.

A new TATNEFT’s filling station opened in Brest, at 28, Raduzhnaya Street, which was the fourteenth filling station of the Company in the Republic of Belarus.

The 400 millionth tyre was manufactured by the PJSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex.

TATNEFT’s filling station No. 63 in the Moscow region, owned by OOO TATNEFT AZS-Zapad, became the winner of the prestigious International Filling Station of the Month contest.

TATNEFT was among the top five leaders in creating the Company’s shareholder value in the oil industry Value Creators 2016 ranking.

PJSC TATNEFT ranked first among global innovators in the Thomson Reuters ranking.

Social facilities of the TATNEFT Company were recognized as the best and they were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas of the contest held in the framework of the All-Russian forum "ZDRAVNITSA-2016".

A representative of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant won the first place in the National Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia-2016) held at the Crocus Expo exhibition center (Moscow).

The delayed coking unit and related offsite facilities of the TANECO Oil Refineries Complex in Nizhnekamsk received a positive conclusion from the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

TANECO products were awarded gold honorable distinctions in the contest “All-Russian Brand (IIIrd millennium). Quality Mark of the XXIst Century” held at the International Exhibition in Moscow.

Jet A-1 aviation fuel produced by JSC TANECO was commended at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Forum held in Prague.
A delayed coking unit with a feed rate of 2 million the tonnes per year was successfully launched in the mode of comprehensive equipment testing at the TANECO Complex.

Fuel oil production was completely stopped at the TANECO refinery and they started mazut-free operations there.

Oil and Gas Production Division "Bavlyneft" celebrated its 70th anniversary.

Supervisory external audit of the integrated management system of industrial safety, occupational health and the environment for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 was successfully completed in PJSC TATNEFT.

TATNEFT Group Development Strategy until 2025 was approved.

The first ceremony of awarding PJSC TATNEFT grants as held. The Grant Company‘s Committee reviewed more than 70 projects in the nominations "social sphere", "citizenship and patriotism", "culture and art" and "sports" and 28 of them received financial support.

TATNEFT received three top awards from the International Specialized Exhibition “Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2016.

The TS-1 brand jet fuel, produced at the TANECO Complex, became a laureate of the contest “Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial and Technological Products”.

Bugulma Mechanical Plant joined the Association of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Enterprises.

The share of TATNEFT Company in the authorized capital of PJSC Bank ZENIT exceeded 50%.

The project of TATNEFT became the winner of the third All-Russian contest ENES-2016 among the projects implemented in the energy saving and energy efficiency area.

The TS-1 brand jet fuel, produced by the TANECO Complex, became a laureate of the contest “100 best goods of the Russian Federation” in the nomination “Industrial and Technological Products”.

Bugulma Mechanical Plant, TATNEFT Training Center and TATNEFT-AZS Center, which were enterprises of TATNEFT Company, became prize winners of the XIIth Republican quality contest for the prize of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

"TATNEFT-AZS Center" was awarded 4 diplomas of the Cup n.a Gastev winners.
The "Green Fitness" social project of TATNEFT Company became a winner of the International Contest of communication projects "Eventiada Awards 2016" in the nomination "The Best Project for Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle".

The activities of OOO TATNEFT-AZS-Zapad were positively mentioned in the reports of Rosstandart senior staff of the North-West Federal District (it would be desirable to learn first names and surnames). The information was voiced during the XIth International Congress and Technical Conference (St. Petersburg).

TATNEFT was once again recognized as the absolute winner of the Republican contest “Ecoleader”. The TANECO complex was also awarded the first place in the nomination “Oil-producing and petrochemical industry”, while the Oil and Gas Production Divisdion Aznakayevskneft was in the third place.

TATNEFT opened trading on the London Stock Exchange and held a meeting with international investors, timed to the 20th anniversary of the Company's listing on the London Stock Exchange.

2017. Start-up operations and pre-commissioning work began at the TANECO Complex naphtha hydrotreating unit. The expected duration of the program was 60 days.

The Canadian Patent Office registered a patent for the invention “Method of lining productive strata in case of thermal oil production and an expandable filter designed for its implementation” developed by TATNEFT Company professionals.

TATNEFT Company joined ten TOP leaders by the “Sustainable Development” and “Responsibility and Openness” vector ratings, annually calculated by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Professionals of TATNEFT Company again were the laureates of the All-Russian contest “Engineer of the Year”, held annually by the Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Public Organizations with the participation of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov and the Interregional Fund for the promotion of scientific and technical progress.

According to the review results of the best inventive, rationalization and patent-licensing work carried out by the Society of inventors and rationalizers of the Republic of Tatarstan, TATNEFT was recognized as the “Best Enterprise for Invention and Rationalization of 2016” and awarded the Big Cup.

TATNEFT filling station No. 268 of OOO TATNEFT-AZS-Zapad, located at the 16th km of Borovskoye Highway, Naro-Fominsk District, Moscow Region, was recognized as the Best Filling Station of the Year by the version of the “Sovremennaya AZS (Modern Filling Station)” magazine.

The Company started the production of new products — TATNEFT VMGZ-45 and VMGZ–55 oil grades at the synthetic oils factory of OOO TATNEFT-Nizhnekamskneftekhim-Oil.

Another environmental award was conferred to JSC TANECO. The Company was declared the winner in the nomination “For environmental responsibility” within the framework of the contest “Leaders of the Russian business: dynamics and responsibility - 2016”.

TATNEFT Company signed a four-sided agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Company also signed the List of environmental protection measures planned as part of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017.

Professionals of TATNEFT Company and JSC TANECO were named the winners of the All-Russian “New Idea” contest among the young employees of the fuel and energy complex enterprises.

TATNEFT won in the open contest of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the selection of organizations for the right to receive subsidies for the implementation of complex projects to create high-tech production.

The brand of TATNEFT Company ranked No. 10 in the ranking table of the most expensive brands in Russia by the version of Brand Finance.

The trade union organization of JSC TANECO took the second place in the contest “The best school of trade union activists in the Neftegazstroyprofsoyuzu of Russia”.

According to the results of the international contest “1C: Project of the Year”, two projects of TATNEFT Company scored a victory in corporate automation on the “1C: Enterprise 8” platform.

JSC TANECO was among the laureates of the contest “100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and environmental management”. The Company was awarded the Diploma and the gold medal of the contest, while Leonid Alekhin, the Company's General Director, was awarded the honorary badge “Ecologist of the Year - 2017” for achievements in the area of environmental management.

The Yaroslavl Region Government and the TATNEFT Company signed an Agreement of Intent for Cooperation.

TATNEFT Company and JSC REP Holding (Russian Power Engineering Holding Company) signed an agreement at the International Economic Forum, aimed at further development of a large-scale project for the construction of the TANECO Refining and Petrochemical plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan).

TATNEFT was bestowed high awards according to the results of the international contest “Ecological Culture. Peace and harmony" and the All-Russian ecological subbotnik day" Green Spring - 2017".

JSC TANECO received the conclusion of the Privolzhsky Rostechnadzor Directorate on compliance of a number of Refining and Petrochemical Plant Complex facilities built in Nizhnekamsk with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation.

PJSC TATNEFT and JSC Schneider Electric signed an agreement of intent for cooperation.

Start-up and commissioning works began on the hydrogen production unit at the TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

The unit-type modular air-cooling vessels up to 16 MPa manufactured by the Bugulma Mechanical Plant of TATNEFT Company became the winner of the contest “100 best goods of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial Production Technological Products”.

The solid-steel cord design tyre Kama 385 / 65R 22.5 NF 202 manufactured by the Nizhnekamsk SSC tyre factory became the winner of the contest “Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the nomination “Industrial Technological Products”.

Tatneftegazpererabotka Division of TATNEFT Company became the first-degree student diploma holder with the product “Grade “A" propane fraction” and the second degree diploma holder with the product “Grade “A“ ethane fraction" in the nomination “Industrial Technological Products” of the “The Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan” contest.

The TATNEFT Company’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant Company ranked the third among the best manufacturers of capacitive equipment in Russia.

TATNEFT again received three top awards of the International specialized exhibition “Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2017 ".

PJSC TATNEFT was included in FTSE4Good Emerging Index responsible investment index.

There was a ceremonial unveiling of a monument at TATNEFT Company devoted to well No. 29, which was the discoverer of the large Novo-Elkhovskoye oil field - the second-largest field of the Republic of Tatarstan.

TATNEFT became the winner again of the MediaTEK All-Russian contest of mass media, press services of the fuel and energy companies and the administrations.

TATNEFT Company was recognized as one of the best socially-oriented companies in the oil and gas industry in Russia and was awarded the special contest prize of the of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Technologies and equipment of TATNEFT were presented at the XXVth International Exhibition "Oil and Gas KIOGE-2017" in Almaty (Kazakhstan). The exhibition display of the Company was awarded the prize for the most innovative design.

TATNEFT - AZS Center became a laureate of the contest of the Government of the Russian Federation in the area of quality.

PJSC TATNEFT and Emerson company signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the development, optimization of crude oil and gas production, oil refining and petrochemistry.

JSC TANECO and OOO Chevron Lummus Global signed memorandums of intent.
The Kazan branch Filling station No. 8 of OOO TATNEFT-AZS Center ranked third in the first stage of the contest “Best service area facility” in the nomination “Best Multipurpose Complex”.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan No. UP-1014 dated November 16, 2017, a group of managers and professionals of PJSC TATNEFT was awarded the State Prize of Tatarstan in the area of science and technology for the work “Development and industrial commercial implementation of a set of technologies to increase crude oil recovery rates and crude oil recovery factor in the Republic of Tatarstan”.

The TATNEFT Company’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant became the winner of the 2017 Republican contest for the award of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan for quality.

TATNEFT, Gazprom Neft and Zarubezhneft signed a memorandum of cooperation in the development of competencies necessary for the implementation of super-complex projects for the development of carbonate reservoirs.

"Nizhnekamsk SSC Tyre Factory" became the winner of the 2017 contest for the award of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan for quality in the category "Production Systems".

The TANECO Complex processed a 50-millionth tonne of oil. The momentous figure was registered on December 11, 2017.

Projects of TATNEFT and TANECO NPiNHZ became the winners of the XIIIth Republican contest “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan” for 2017.

TATNEFT Company was once again recognized as the absolute winner of the Republican “Ecoleader” contest. The TANECO complex was awarded the second place in the nomination “Oil and gas industry”.

TATNEFT Company joined the Technical Association of European oil producers ATIEL (Association Technique de l’Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants).

Pneumatic tyre 235/55 R 17 Viatti Bosco A / T V-237 manufactured by the TATNEFT Company’s Nizhnekamskshina Factory of the petrochemical complex became the winner of the All-Russian contest “100 best goods of Russia” in the nomination “For success in import substitution”.

Managers of TATNEFT Company became laureates of the contest “Manager of the Year - 2017”.

2018. Products and services of the TATNEFT Group enterprises are again among the laureates and winners of the All-Russian contest “100 best goods of Russia”. The Engineering Center of PJSC TATNEFT was recognized as the laureate for the engineering development “Submersible electric motor with a high power factor” (PED PKM) in the nomination “Industrial and technological products”). The Engineering Center of the TATNEFT Company also became the winner of the contest in the category “Services” for the engineering development of the “Intellectual Resources Management System of the Edison+ Enterprise”.

TANECO, which is the TATNEFT’s Oil Refining Complex, received five awards for yielding competitive products with high operational and environmental performance.
Tyre manufacturing enterprises of TATNEFT were also among the winners.

On January 25, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, took part in a video conference at the ceremony of commissioning naphtha hydrotreatment and isomerization units at the TATNEFT’s TANECO Refinery Complex in Nizhnekamsk.

According to the results of the “Young innovator and inventor of the Republic of Tatarstan” contest young professionals of TATNEFT Company and its structural divisions were again recognized as the best.

TATNEFT joined the TOP leaders group by the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) index in the field of sustainable development - “Responsibility and Openness”.

Professionals of TATNEFT Company have again become laureates of the All-Russian “Engineer of the Year” contest.

N.U. Maganov, General Director of TATNEFT Company was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of Almetyevsk and Almetyevsk District".

The raffinate tower (position 2600с0001) intended for operation as part of an aromatic hydrocarbon production complex was lifted at the construction site of the JSC TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex.

TATNEFT joined the TOP leaders group by the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) index in the field of sustainable development - “Responsibility and Openness”.

TATNEFT-Nizhnekamskneftekhim-Oil produced the first commercial batches of polyalphaolefinic base oils (PJSC М-2, PJSC М-4, PJSC М-6, PJSC М-12) used for the production of commercial synthetic oils.

TATNEFT and Konica Minolta in Russia signed a Memorandum of Intent, which stipulated cooperation areas between companies.

JSC TANECO received the opinion of the Privolzhsky Rostechnadzor Directorate on compliance of the combined light naphtha isomerization unit and the naphtha splitter section with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation. The production of isomerizate, a high-octane component of motor gasoline with improved environmental properties, was started at the refinery complex.

The Regulatory Research Center of the TATNEFT Company’s Business Servicing Department became the winner of the All-Russian contest “100 Best Enterprises and Organizations of Russia - 2017” and was awarded diplomas in the nominations “Best Innovative Enterprise” and “Best Research and Development Enterprise”.

According to the review results of the best inventive, rationalization and patent-licensing work carried out by the Society of Inventors and Innovators of the Republic of Tatarstan. TATNEFT Company was recognized as the “Best Enterprise for Invention and Rationalization in 2017” and was awarded the Big Cup.

A lean production project “Reducing non-productive time on the EDGIQ MAXX steel cord cutting line”, which allowed increasing the production of this line by 26% was implemented at the Nizhnekamskshina factory of the TATNEFT Company’s tyre manufacturing complex.

The Tatar Geological Survey Company (TGRU), a structural division of TATNEFT Company, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the foundation and the 80th anniversary of foundingthe Geological Administration of the TASSR, which TGRU is the successor of.

The 81 millionth tyre was manufacture at the KAMA TYRES Truck Tyre Factory of the TATNEFT’s tyre manufacturing business. Its manufacture was devoted to the 40th anniversary of the enterprise foundation. The first cargo tyre for a heavy-duty URAL vehicles was manufactured on April 22, 1978.

The Company's management decided to consolidate the activities of existing charitable foundations “Gifted Children”, “Rukhiyat”, “Mercy” and “Tazalyk” into a single “Charity Foundation TATNEFT.

TATNEFT tyre manufacturing companies have united under the new corporate brand KAMA TYRES.

RAEX Rating Agency (Expert RA) confirmed TATNEFT's credit rating at ruAAA level with a stable outlook.

Another recognition was awarded to the products of JSC TANECO. The company was among the winners of the interregional contest "Best Goods and Services of the Volga Region - GEMMA-2017".

A large-scale project for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the preparatory workshop was completed at the Nizhnekamskshina Factory, within which there were three new Harburg Freudenberger lines were installed for the production of rubber compounds for manufacturing KAMA EURO and Viatti tyres. TATNEFT Company was acting as a fuel partner for the first Russian show of the Scania full range new generation equipment.

JSC TANECO and ChemTech (OOO RRT) are jointly implementing a project for creating a digital twin of the ELOU-AVT-7 (CDU/VDU) facility at the TATNEFT refinery complex.

The Business Service Center, which is TATNEFT Company's structural division, obtained the Quality Management System Compliance Certificate with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001-2015. They started the pilot operation of the anomalies early warning system at the ELOU-AVT-7 installation of the TATNEFT’s JSC TANECO Oil Refining Complex.

Operation of kerosene and diesel fuel hydrotreatment installations was started at the TATNEFT’s TANECO Refinery Complex.

TATNEFT’s KAMA TYRES, the Company’s tyre complex begun the production of KAMA PRO NU 404, which is a new generation of solid steel cord tyres.
TATNEFT Company joined the TOP-10 of the global industry ranking of The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) on value creation for shareholders.

The service company OOO “Sotzbytobsluzhivaniye Shinnik”, which is part of KAMA TYRES (TATNEFT Company’s tyre complex), was awarded an honorary diploma in the “Ecology and Civil Society” nomination of the Russian “National Ecological Award-2018” contest.

TATNEFT received awards from the International specialized exhibition Oil, Gas. Petrochemistry-2018 again.

Prikamneft Oil and Gas Production Division, which is a structural division of PJSC TATNEFT celebrated the 60th anniversary of its inception.